
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am reading PanelingToolsForGrasshopperPrimer_Feb2014.pdf, on page 94. it shows the example of ptMorph3Dlist. However, when I open the example file without doing anything, it gives me different result.

Attached image: exmpale.jpg is from the pdf.

different.jpg is what is giving to me when I open the example file.

Another thing caught my attention. On image different.jpg, when I try to plug Cylinder(Cyl) to po, Rhino crashes.

Anyone please let me know what is going on? BTW, I have just checked, I am running the latest PT tool.

Thank you for your help.

Views: 453


Replies to This Discussion

Yes, there has been a change in the component. You need to graft the input to PO so that each cylinder is understood as one separate module. The component added support to trees (allowing more than one geometry item for each module in the list) and hence what you see.

I will update the documentation.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Hi Rajaa

Thank you for this. Yes, it worked.

Unfortunately, I am running into another problem. Please see attached image, am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for your help.






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