
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I got stuck with my definition, problem with shatter and circlettt

Hi Forum,

As I said in the title, I got stuck in a definition, as I'm unable to split some curves.
I'm quite new in all of this, I've been using rhino for years but never tried to inmerse since the last couple of months into GH, and certainly I think I should had done it earlier, but sometimes is driving me totally mad like in this case.
The subject is quite meSsy so allow me first to explain what I'm trying to get and what I did until now.
I have two irregular shape curves ( one is the offset of the other ) as if it were two paralel rails. There are 26 circles in between those rails.
I need to make two small circles in between the two big circles that are between the rails, and I find the way out how to do it with the folowing definition that I found swiming in the forum :

Ok, I split the curves in rhino and apply the definition and it worked perfectly, great.
Then I tried to split ( shatter ) the curves in gh instead of doing it "manually" in rhino, and I found it was quite difficult. I began to shatter the external curve to create the A curves . I create a point in the center of the circles and with the component "curve closest point" I create a point where the circles and the outer curve intersecs and apply the shatter, but it was not working since it was creating all the segments but the first. I asked in the forum and Matt Gaydon gave me the solution as I had to use the symplify component to be applied to the external curve,,, and it worked, so I got my A curves.
I could create a simple line to get my B curve .
And here I arrived, I'm unable to split the circles with the mentioned sistem to get my C curves to be able to create the circlettt and to find out the exact center points I need to create them,,,,
I tried different options, like split the curve with brep and it did not work.
I also tried to add a second point in the circles by the component "curve closest point" to make it more accurate, but getting same results.

How could I shatter those circles to get my C marvelous curves ?

here are both of the files , rhino and gh.

Any help will be much appreciated.


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