
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I generate a 3d surface(twisting in the space)at first then offset that in GH, right now I want to make a solid from those top and bottom surface(like box have 6 surfaces, right now I have top and bottom and I want to get all side surfaces as well) I try loft and sweep but won't work because the surface is in 3d and hard to simplify the extruding vector with single vector. Any idea guys???


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I think Loft is your best bet, but converting your breps to correct loft input will be difficult indeed. I think you should probably loft each individual closing segment separately in order to avoid weird slanted lofts. I don't know exactly how you can achieve this, but if I had to do this in code, I'd approach it as follows:

1) get all the exterior edge curves of the breps.
2) if two adjacent edge curve are (nearly) co-tangent, join them into a single curve.
3) you should have the same number of edge curves for both breps.
4) for every edge curve in the bottom brep, find the one that matches it best in the top brep.
5) once you have these 'curve couples', iterate over them and loft.
6) join all lofted surfaces and the two original breps into a single brep.

Achieving [2] and [4] will be difficult if not impossible without custom scripting. And quite possibly even difficult with scripting.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Thx so much for your reply I am trying with that ~~
I successfully finished seal this model but there is another question which I am not sure to find the answer here, anyway, I get 3 breps: top and bottom surfaces and the joined brep. I tried several way to join them into one solid in order to analyze with Sns(require model as single solid to proceed) but none worked. any idea to join them into 1 brep?





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