
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I wanted to explain and seek a solution:

I have an egg shaped form, on which I populate points. I want to take those points and first cull them so that the higher they are on the shape, the less points there are.

Then, I want to take each point, and find its closest neighbor (closest point), and connect these two with a spline curve that will be ON the surface of the original 3D form (the egg).

Then, I want to rail a square on these curves, but I think that's not possible inside grasshopper since there is not "square" rail option, only circle....

I can do the 3D voronoi on top of the form but all these previous steps are holding me back:

1) The point list of the populate points is random, and I can't figure out how to order the point indexes from 0 to 100 so that the lowest ones are 0,1,2,3... and the topmost one is 100. I've tried distance attractor methods but I guess I can't figure it out for hours...

2) Assuming the indexes are correct, how do I cull in a sequence from bottom to top to get more culling as I go up?

3) Again a list problem - the closest points - I can't get each point to have only 1 connection to a close point, it's always many connections, so every time I don't get a collection of curves that are clear, but a huge collection of curves from many points to many points.. I only want each point to have a connection to one other point (2 way connection between a point and its closest point).

If anyone understands the problem and can maybe help me out here, I would appreciate it.

I think my knowledge of lists and domains and series etc. is pretty limited as of now, so I would appreciate an example or a solution in code so that I can understand it...

Thank you!

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