
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys,

Fairly new to all this, am trying to do something that should be simple but not having any luck. 

I want to have a group of various curved lines that can be all set at an arbitrary length, for example 10cm but could adjust. 

Have been using SubCurve Command with set domain, but this is not creating upper limits, rather is adjusting the lines to a factor of the domain (it seems). 

May be getting the parameter at 'x' not the length of 'x', though attempted to add length domain. 

Any help would be great

Here's the GH file.


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This is intriguing me as I have tried 3 different ways to get a curve of specific length and despite the components seeming to do what I want, analysis proves otherwise. I know parameter is not length but I assumed that using the parameter acquired by measuring a length along a line would work. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Ah, just some confusion with the components used. DivDist is asking for a distance between points (not related to the length of the line). DivLength will achieve what you are after.






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