
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i have the latest version of rhino 5 for commercial use and recently installed GH (also the latest available version), and am having problem when i load GH.

rhino opens without any issues, however it often wont allow me to open GH.

its quite random.. sometimes it loads, and sometimes it doesn't.

the only add-on/plugin i have installed other than GH is the panelling tool, which works fine in rhino.

it loads upto 100% and crashes when it says "loading remote assembly PTComponentLibrary (see attached image).

is anyone else experiencing this problem/know how to fix it?


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Me too exactly the same issue, I thought I had fixed it by turning off my internet connection, wi-fi. This worked and then back to loading problems 

Thanks stanley,

you are correct, if i disconnect from the internet then it opens grasshopper without any issues, however, when its connected it wont complete loading the PTcomponent library (or it takes forever).

the only problem is that we are using Zoo licence manager and i need to be connected to run rhino.. which means i have to disconnect after rhino has loaded then switch it on again.. far from convenient!

Hopefully they can try and sort this problem out, but it doesnt look like they have picked this one up yet.


Having the same problem. Whenever Grasshopper gets to 100%, it crashes. Was previously happening due to DivaPlugin. So I uninstalled it. Then PTComponentLibrary, which I uninstalled. Now crashing on loading LunchBox. Always at 100%, when loading plugins. I can't get it to start. Have uninstalled and reinstalled grasshopper multiple times. Each time it works for a while, and then starts crashing on startup.

Hi Mark,

I've had a lot of reports of GH hanging at 100% (it hangs for a long time, though it does eventually tend to start, sometimes after as long as half an hour). But crashing is new. Is there a crash-report or error-message? If so, I'd love to see it.

I have just finished writing a bunch of fixes that should move all file data lookups during loading into background threads. I'll upload the new version for testing today or tomorrow.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

David -- thanks for the reply. I spoke imprecisely: I'm experiencing hanging, not crashing. After troubleshooting for a bit last night, I've found that grasshopper will eventually start after waiting 5-10 minutes. 

Mine actually crashes, been through various fixes and after reinstallation it gets back to same problem. Look forward to the update 

Hey David,

just to let you know, i downloaded the new grasshopper build and it runs perfectly now (no more loading issues).



Thanks for testing and reporting Amir.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Yeah me too works first time ! Can I have my 90 day evaluation period reset please pretty please






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