
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I noticed that Hinge component (or Shell cluster) yelds asymmetrical configurations even in symmetrical quad meshes with simmetrical forces.

I believe it is because Hinge works on triangles. 

How can I get symmetrical behaviour using Hinge component or Shell Cluster?

Thanks in advance.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Arturo,

You are right that the issue is caused by it acting on triangles.

With a quad mesh, I've found it gives much better results if instead of using the standard triangulation (which chooses one of the 2 possible diagonals arbitrarily and often asymmetrically), you add a point in the centre of each quad and split it into 4 triangles. This is now very easy to do using WeaverBird's 'Stellate' component with a distance of 0. The same applies to the wind and pressure forces.

hi Daniel,

now it works better!!! Thanks for your reply!

Hope to see you in Salerno in June. Best regards from Italy,






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