
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi! I am making a shell with the command ¨Shell Var¨, in this case I made a shell with only one area of support, then it is like a cantilever.

In a cantilever frequently you should make higher the sector near to the support, because the moment is bigger.

But when I increase the high in the opposite extreme the displacements decreases, I think that this should increase the displacements because I am increasing the mass (Kg).

There are any issue in the model?



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Dear Llordella Patricio,

I think the result you get is possible: The weight of the structure increases linearly with the cross section height at the tip, the bending resistance however increases with height to the power of three.

Did you try an equivalent cantilever generated from beam elements?



Dear Clemens, thanks

Yes I tried it with a cantilever generated from beams elements, I send you screamshots.



Dear Clemens,

You are right, I calculated the shell structure with f = 5/384 x q x l4 / E x J , and I could check it.

I tried with 2 shells:

1- Shell const 50 cm

2- Shell Var from 50 to 150cm

Then I calculated the height with 60cm because I take the first 50 cm of shell like support, as mesh refine is 50cm. (Pic 1)

However when I tried it with beam elements the output was different. Why? Because when I make the beam I use segments with height constant, then I have a first segment near support with 50 cm. In this situation I only modify the weight, because the support height will be just 50 cm. 

In conclusion I think that it is directly related with the segment refine and the material stiffness in the support.

PS: I am working with nature structures, so I had to create a Shell Var.

Thanks and I hope you understand my explanation








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