
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Grasshopper-enthusiasts,

With Grasshopper I made a small script that projects a vector on a corner/angle. In Grasshopper it is fairly easy to do this mathematical operation, but to program this operation is much more complicated. I need this "operation" in a C# script, therefore I have the following question:

"Is it possible to make a C# script from a Grasshopper file or grasshopper Cluster?"

Here, the sliders would serve as input and the desired output is the length of the two projected vectors on the corner/angle, displayed in the yellow panel.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Rayaan Ajouz

Views: 416


Replies to This Discussion


As far as I know, that's not possible in a ready-made way. I think scripting that operation in C# by hand might be easier than it initially looks. When scripting C# within the C# scripting component of Grasshopper allows to work with Rhino geometries (points, curves, lines...). This could make the task less tedious.

Hope this helps.


Hi Lennert,

Thanks for your reply and suggestions!

I think the strategy you described is a very good one. For this, I need to look into the script of every grasshopper-component used. 

Do you know how to open the script of a standard grasshopper component in for example Visual Studio?


Thanks Lennert





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