
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I'm building a Grasshopper plugin in Visual Studio that fetches information from the karamba model that is set as an input of a specific component.

In version 1.2.0 I succeeded in adding a reference assembly of karamba.dll (1.2.0) in Visual Studio in order to use the right namespaces and to include it in the build. When this karamba.dll file is inspected in Ilspy, the full namespace of Karamba could be read out.

However now, I need to update to version 1.3.0. When inspecting the karamba.dll file (that I got from C://Windows/karamba.dll) , it says that "this file does not contain a managed assembly". Also trying to add it as a reference in Visual Studio was without succes.

Has someone an idea why the karamba.dll is unreadable, how to fix it, or where to find an accessible karamba.dll file?



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Hello Lennert,

the C# library you need to reference is 'karamba.gha' which can be found in the plug-ins-folder of Karamba3d.

'karamba.dll' is the C++ core of Karamba3d.



This makes a lot clear again. Thanks a lot! 





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