
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all, 

I am trying to design a structure to hold a tent. I have divided the curved beam into smaller ones, so that the curvature is remained when imported to karamba. My intention is to design the whole beam and column according to optimal cross section for the given loads. I would like to construct the elements with FRP, and I want a hollow trapezoid or box cross section and not the ones for steel.

How can I do that? I was thinking that I could make a list of cross section and then karamba select through cross section optimization, but I dont know how to do that.

I am kind of new in grasshopper, so please try to be specific :)


Views: 344


Replies to This Discussion

Hello Popi,

did you have a look at the examples that come with Karamba? In the folder 'Rhinoceros 5.0 (64-bit)\Plug-ins\Karamba\Examples\TestExamples\Optimize_Cross_Section' there are several definitions that show how to use the 'Optimize Cross Section'-component. The example '' demonstrates the use of custom cross section families.

To open the Karamba-folder double click on the 'Karamba'-icon on the desktop.



Hey Clements,

I had to change my optimization plans due to time, but I think I will use your advice pretty soon on my new project and then I can give you a feed back.

Thanks for responding!








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