
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello guys,

Some components can collect annual hourly data and display it in additional analysis. I find it very useful but what slows me down is lack of control for the parameters for the data.

For example if I want to show temperature distribution on a wind rose with specific color scheme, low/high bounds and number of segments I have to crop wind speed diagram (left) out of the image because legend parameter that I set for the dry bulb temp (right) ruins parameters for the wind speed. 

This is how it looks like (but not working):

Wind rose picks up legend par #1 only

If I'm missing something  and there is a way to control multiple legends please let me know, I will delete this post.

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Hi Tim, You can pass a list to legend parameters if you have more than one graph. Here is an example.

Thank you Mostapha,

I like this solution muuuuuuuuuuuuch better. Would you like me to remove the discussion? 

Please keep it here so other people can see it too. Also I'm not sure if it works the same with windrose graphs but it should. Let me know if that was the case.

No problem, just tested the method on Wind Rose, I think it is safe to say that it doesn't really work XD.

You should not graft low-band and high-bound.

Hey Mostapha,

No grafting or entwining, still looking bad. As I believe it should work for 3D chart just fine.

Tim and Mostapha,

This is something that has been in the works for a while:

I had been meaning to implement it on all components but I only got around to implementing it for the 3D chart and the Sunpath before I realized that Mostapha was re-writing the Ladybug codebase.  I thought that I should wait for this basic re-writing to be finished before implementing it on all components since I would have to re-do all of this work in a few months if I started to do it immediately.

Mostapha, when do you think we will do a release of Ladybug for Grasshopper with the new code base?  If it is still several months away, perhaps I should just implement this tree-branched LegendPar on the rest of the components now. Otherwise, set a deadline and I will put forward all of my efforts to meeting it instead.


Thanks Chris! It will take a couple of months but I still think that we should implement the enhancements to the new version unless it is very critical (e.g. bug)

Glad to hear you say this.  I'll mobilize my efforts on the new version here on out!

I just took a stab at converting the PMV comfort model over to the new format.  The more that I work with object-oriented programming, the more I realize why a re-write of the code is necessary:

Chris and Mostapha,

Will be waiting for a fresh release then, thank you for all your replies.






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