
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello !

I'm trying to map the total radiation over an urban scene on the sun path diagram (in the same fashion as you would do with global horizontal radiation, let say). My problem is, I can't generate a valid annual hourly data set.

I've tried to fake the header and use intersection matrix, but you have to generate 8760 sky matrix, which is way too much for my poor computer. Same if input a grafted 1-8760 series into the radiation analysis, and read the totalRadiation output.

Any idea on how to do this cleanly ? I'd like to avoid animating a slider, write a file and read it back, as far as possible. I have nothing against an Honeybee solution though.

Thanks !

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You can use Daysim and change the analysis type to radiation but then you need to do a lot of post-processing that might be very heavy. How many test points do you have in your scene?

Maybe writing them down to a text file (using real-time radiation component) and bringing them back is actually the most efficient workflow.

On a coarse gridsize, I'm already at hundreds of test points (and I wan't to get finer gridsize for the final analysis).

I'm OK with the animate slider/import .csv back. Just wanted to know if there was a better workaround.

Thanks a lot !

P.S : my goal is to visualize solar production potential on the sunpath actually, so you can spot if there are blackspots and directly see the obstruction.





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