
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I got the following errors when using the visualize microclimate map component:

1. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2. Cyclical data stream detected, parameter _viewFactorMesh is recursive.

Appreciate if you can kindly advise what's the source of the error!

Thank you!

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Ok, i corrected one error in my file: the viewFactorMesh is connected wrongly on the visualize microclimate map component.

I also found there are two viewFactorMesh generated from the Indoor View Factor Calculator component, and one of them is just a single line object which I have no idea how it is created.


Anyway, the visualize microclimate map component is still not working, with the error message of "1. Solution exception:too many values to unpack".

Hope you can help to take a look and appreciate your advice, greatly!

The GH file and the epw file are attached.

Thank you!

sorry, files are attached here.


appreciate if anybody who has the experience in using the microclimate mapping component can help to take a look and advise!

Thank you very much!


You are practically set. You only need to update the HB_VisualizeMicroclimate component.  Doing that your file works for me.



Thank you, Abraham!

Yes, the file works after update HB.

However, there are still two problems:

1. one of the viewMeshFaces is a line-like object:

2. The legend of time stamp below doesn't reflect the analysis period as specified, and this might be a bug of the visualize microclimate map component:

Connect the analysis period to the UTCI recipe. I can't check exactly right now but this is what i do lately. I also noticed what you are saying about the analysisperiod not reflected in the rendered screen. I wonder if this is somehow related to this issue in the github?

I didn't check this thoroughly so didn't report until now. This is something that maybe Chris can answer more wisely.

As for the line ... idem.


Thanks, Abraham, your suggestion works!

Hope Chris and the others can help to take a look and advise on the line-shape viewMeshFace object.


Hi Abraham,

Just quickly curious, what component allows you to show a preview within grasshopper like that?



Hi Elly,

In the GH menu go to File and choose Quick Export Image option (ctrl+shift+Q).







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