
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys, I have the same problem like masoome in the below, even with the lastest version.

but beside there is another error as it showed here, that i dont know how to solve it. 

thanks in advance.

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Hi Masoumehta,

I also reported today the same error Massome and you mentioned.

For the other error you need to reinsert the component in the scene.


hi abraham,

thanks for your consideration. i'll try it.


Abraham is right. Your error is different. I'm looking into the issue.

hi mostafa

I did what Abraham said and I got the result but it still have this error. I don't know if it had changed my result or not.  

thank you 


This should be fixed now. Update your file and try again:

hi mostafa
thanks for your consideration, this is fixed now, but a new error occurs in another component that I didn't face it before.
thank you for your help.


Seems to be an issue with the recipe. I need your file to be able to help more.

I will send it for you
thank you

mostafa, I upload 2 files here,the file named "HB final" is accomplished with the latest version and the last changes that I did. and this is the main file that we discussed about it before. the file named "HB01" was for the version that "child surfaces name" didn't add to the component. I just sent "HB01" for you to see the process, and I don't work on it now. thank you in advance


The error is because you have a glazing surface which has an empty space inside. Such an opening is not allowed in EnergyPlus.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do but if you're trying just to create a daylighting model then I would model a geometry like this surface by surface and add the right material to each surface. You don't need to create child surfaces. In case you want to use the model for Energy modeling then you should consider limitations of energy modeling. You can break down this surface into two U-shaped surface for instance.


thank you mostafa,

I just need a daylighting model. I'll try new method you said.






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