
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

After I Installed energyplus v8-3-0, honeybee still warns that i have to have energyplus v8-1-0. I couldn't find the earlier version for it. 

Should I install exactly the version 8-1-0 to make it function?

I think honeybee cannot recognize the newer version of energyplus. 

I've tried to change the name of the folder to "8-1-0". It generated some problems.

Need solutions.


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I've installed energyplus.

Hi Xinyi. You need to use a newer version of Honeybee. Update Ladybug+Honeybee and try again. Here is how >

Thanks! It seems work well!

hy mostapha,, i'm nubie with grasshopper :( if i just change this script v8-1-0 with v8-4-0? actually honneybee can recognize that file, but can you tell me what kind of problem can generated with that?? 

Thank's mostapha...


Hi Moose! I haven't checked the updates in EnergyPlus 8.4. There might be some issues in loading the results as they may have changed output names. Otherwise it's usually fine. If you update Ladybug and Honeybee the latest version works by EP 8.3 by default.

Hi Mostapha,

I also have the same problem with Xinyi, but unfortunately the GH definition that i downloaded from your link cannot work.

Do you have any suggestion or probably i've missed some of the procedure of the updating.. Thank in advanced



Hi Dani, The error is because the component cannot create a new folder under Ladybug default directory. Can you change the default folder for Ladybug similar to how you're doing it for Honeybee? That should solve the problem.






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