
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Mostapha,

Some knowledge questions:

I use the DSParameters component to control the ANN Analysis Recepe but the ResultUnit still remain as VAR. They don t change based on the DSParameter _outputUnits input. (attached)

Is there a way to get the annual analysis results represented on the mesh as raw values an not in relation to any autonomy or thresholds?

Second question is related to first as if the analysis is for radiance then there is no point to check the autonomy based on lux ( I assume...)

In the ReadAnnualResults I what is the DLA threshold? 300?

Many thanks!


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Hi Dimitrios,

Units stays as Var since RunDaylightAnalysis by itself doesn't produce any results so there is no unit that can be added there.

Yes. There are two components for that. Try "Honeybee_Read All the Hourly Results from Annual Daylight Study" or "Honeybee_Read Hourly Results from Annual Daylight Study"

Second question is related to first as if the analysis is for radiance then there is no point to check the autonomy based on lux ( I assume...)

I'm not sure if I follow here. Annual analysis is using Daysim which is developed on top of Radiance. I don't know if it does make any difference but Daylight autonomy is % of time, and not in lux

Yes. Default is 300 but you can overwrite it by setting the value for _DLAIllumThresholds_


Hello Mostapha,

Thank you very much for the explanations.

One more question:

I use the HOY component and says I can use "list of numbers" for days months or hours. Is that assuming it can calculate periods of time? Because I use a list and then tried a domain also but it s not working.


Hi Dimitrios, If you want to get it for several hours then I would suggest to use "Honeybee_Read All the Hourly Results from Annual Daylight Study" and select the hours that you need. I recently partially broke the component, so if you are using multiple core to run the analysis, use the version from food4Rhino and not github.


Oops! Are you talking about HOY that generates day, month and hour? it should work for a list.

Hello Mostapha,

I was just expecting the DOY/HOY component to work with Series in combination with the "Honeybee_Read Hourly Results from Annual Daylight Study" to give results for periods of time or day etc. (attached)

I am probably missing the obvious here but I can t figure out how to use the "Honeybee_Read All the Hourly Results from Annual Daylight Study" and select the hours that you need."

Any chance to provide an example here? It would be very useful.

Many thanks!



Hi Dimitrios,

It actually does it, but does it in a strange way.

I attached an example file that shows how you can do it.








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