
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, Can be possible that the HB_gridBasedSimulation is not producing any output?

I was trying something and then to be sure i tried the example file. The output analysis recipe is still empty.



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I am not sure exactly what the problem is but my initial instinct is that it relates to the new Radiance release and the updates that Mostapha just pushed 2 days ago:


Thanks Chris.

No is not that. I' fully updated :-). I can say now that the issue is solved. I was using CIE sky with simulation type 1 (Radiation). This combination doesn't produce the output (my fault). Other options (illuminance and luminance do).

Just one other thing, the genCumSky component failed to download the GenCumulativeSky.exe, so i needed to download it manually. Not a biggy but maybe you want to know/be aware of this, since i noticed that there are issues with downloading and updating.


As far as I know CIE skies should be generating radiation results. That might be a bug. Can you share your example file?

Thanks for reporting. We are facing so many issues with download recently. Maybe now that we get so many downloads everyday I should remove the files to another place which can support more downloads, or just ask users to download and copy the files manually which can be really tricky.


Hi Mostapha,

Attached a simplified file. See red box.




Hi Abraham, You are right. You can't run radiation analysis with CIE skies and you need to use other climate-based skies for that. My bad. Also I found that the warning shows up in the wrong component (Honeybee_Honeybee!) and not the recipe component. Thanks and sorry for the confusion.


HI, I got similar problem!

I am trying to use the new component gencumulative_sky, I did the radiance update and as well I replaced the component following the instructions on the blog. I still have an error saying :
Download failed!!! You need GenDayMtx.exe to use this component. Please check your internet connection, and try again!
I notice that the window cmd.exe doesn´t pop up so it can not identify any internet connection I guess. Could you help me?

You need to copy the EXE files in to two locations:




Hope it helps.



The manual download link is at this location:

Just copy the file there to the location Abraham specified.


Should we try moving the download location to  As I remember you said, won't close down the link if they see too many people downloading the same file in the way that dropbox does.  I never imagined that we would be getting so many downloads of LB+HB on a single day that this could be an issue.


Hey Chris,

Let's take it as a good news that number of downloads is as much as that dropbox can't handle it anymore. They suspend my dropbox account a couple of times and we need to find a new place to host the files, but then it needs updating all the files and potentially new release.

For now I just copied all the files that Honeybee and Ladybug download to users system here so if anyone has download issues you can give them this link: (


It is good news indeed! And thank you for putting everything at one link.  This should make things a lot easier.






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