
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

force a list of several numbers to round up to 4 defined numbers

Hi everybody, 

This is the point: I have a list of several numbers (from 0 to 350) which I have rounded to integers numbers, but now I want those numbers to get into a list only composed by these numbers : 100, 150, 250 and 350, and of course have the same order than the original one. 

The idea is that I have a grid of squares which I want to extrude to a rhino surface (manually controlled) but as it is going to be build, I need to simplify the quantity of dimensions (if i don't do that, the carpenters would kill me)  

Here is a ptscreen of what i have reached so far..

Thanks a lot for your answer and work!

Views: 1105


Replies to This Discussion

I would create some domains representing your 4 categories and then use the Find Domain component to then select the upper limit of those domains using a List Item component


you can try the following



ps this one does not round to closest value, but turns sets of values to one of the ones you want.







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