
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Vortex Singular [grasshopper`s result]- Music by Andrey Kiritchenko - Video by V4W.ENKO

Current Visual for the music, done with grasshopper mostly

Vortex Singular from V4W.ENKO on Vimeo.

Generative visual sequence and acoustic sound was born as part of RML Cine Chamber installation at CynetArt 2011 as well as a bit at Mutek Montreal 2012 and has moved farther to 12"LP by Andrey Kiritchenko.

Music by Andrey Kiritchenko - Chrysalis (2012) [Nexsound ns68, 12"].
Video by V4W.ENKO [composite flow-r algorithm]

HD is recomended

Views: 449


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Comment by V4W.ENKO on October 16, 2023 at 5:31am

@Patrick Bedarf : to analyse the sound I made application with max/msp - my favorite tool where I create generative music. [listen on bandcamp my max/msp nodes based procedures here v4w.enko music ] After the sound data captured into matrix I connected that data matrix to Grasshopper3D to generate the visual forms based on sound amplitudes for each frame.  Yeah, right @MichaelD0112 I did it for the friend Andrey to help him to support his nice sound project.

Comment by MichaelD0112 on October 16, 2023 at 4:36am

Music by Andrey brings soulful melodies and electrifying rhythms to life, captivating audiences with his unparalleled talent and passion for music. With a repertoire spanning across genres, Andrey's performances are a harmonious blend of classical finesse and contemporary charm. To book a mesmerizing musical journey with Andrey, visit and let the magic of his music elevate your event to new heights. His music resonates with emotions, painting vibrant musical landscapes that leave a lasting impression on listeners. Whether it's a soothing piano composition or a lively ensemble performance, Andrey's music speaks volumes, enchanting audiences and creating memorable experiences. 

Comment by V4W.ENKO on December 3, 2012 at 1:55pm

and ported in txt files

Comment by V4W.ENKO on December 3, 2012 at 1:54pm

analysis part is done with max/msp

Comment by Patrick Bedarf on December 3, 2012 at 1:42pm

neat! how is the analysis part done and ported to gh?





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