
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Grasshoppers!


This little project I share here is in a way the beginning of my sharing and blogging activity on grasshopper. My goal is to do a series of studies to explore and research patterns and surface build ups that can be applied to industrial products later on. This is the first, more sculptural approach. 


So, looking at this piece of art, it won´t be extraordinary and super surprising to you; The coding behind the hole pattern is a simple, standard curve attractor calculation.  Nevertheless I found the whole composition of interacting surfaces and the pattern interesting enough to share it.


I would appreciate to read your opinion on this!

Views: 702


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Comment by MAR on September 16, 2015 at 5:40am

How did you do this? What definition did you use? Also can this be applied to curved surfaces?

Comment by Floster on January 27, 2011 at 4:12pm


 Thank you for light and glowing words!

I considered to actually mill it, cause I think it´s a great idea and a good habit do make the bits and codes real, physical.



Comment by Dirk Rilling on January 27, 2011 at 3:11am
well flo, in my eyes it looks nice. even to be considered as a sculpture to hang on a wall, no? mind to share some of your coding ideas?





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