5 8, and then the following values are obtain as the last one (8) plus 3, then this last one (11) plus 5, and then this last one (16) plus 8, and then it starts again: 24+3, 27+5, 32+8...
Added by Jesus Galvez at 5:17am on November 27, 2012
ve a Vertex [V] connected to four other Vertexs [N1-N4].
Each of the has a Value:
V ... 1
N1 ... 5
N2 ... 3
N3 ... 8
N4 ... 11
The Average Filter would set the Value of [V] to
(1+5+3+8+11)/5 = 5,6
The Median Filter would Sort Values and pick the middle one
1,3, [5], 8, 11
Hope that helped...…