53 → 53 → 63 → 74 → 74 → 84 → 9
As you can see from the above list the connection sequence comes in waves of three, where each group of similar indices on the left is associated with a group of three incrementing indices on the right.
Some combination of Series components will probably generate this list, but it'll only work for the first ring, the second one will need a different connection pattern. It is perhaps better to just encode the integer pairs by hand. But then you cannot change your mind about the number of sides later.…
Added by David Rutten at 10:39am on October 21, 2015
segments (ie. polylines)
2 = conic section (ie. arcs, circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas)
3 = standard freeform curve
5 = smoother freeform curve
The higher the degree, the less effect a single control-point has on the curve, but the further that weak effect reaches. Degree=5 curves are smoother, but it's also harder to add local details to it without adding a lot of control points. Rhino supports curves up to degree=11, but you almost never need more than 5.…
Is it like this:
If a beam is connected from nod 0 to 1 and from 1 to 4. Another from 2 to 3 and from 3 to 5.
Node 1 and 3 have the same coordinates, but are they rigidly connected or not?
cture, Rhino treats them as a single flat list. For example a surface can have 10 rows and 6 columns of control-points, resulting in a list of 60 points.
But 10 times 6 isn't the only way to get to 60. If you want to make a surface out of a list of 60 points, you'll also have to tell Rhino how those 60 points should be interpreted in terms of a grid. It could be 2*30, 3*20, 4*15, 5*12, 6*10, and all of the aforementioned products the other way around.
Sometimes there's only one way for a number of points to fit into a rectangular grid. For example if you provide 49 points, then 7*7 is the only way to make it work, but these cases are rare so we always demand you give us all the information required to actually make a rectangular grid of control-points from a linear collection.
As for "Why is it, sometimes we need to attach additional value into it?", this is usually because when you divide a domain or a curve into N segments, you end up with N+1 points. For example take the domain {0 to 5}, and divide it into 5 equal subdomains. You end up with {0 to 1}, {1 to 2}, {2 to 3}, {3 to 4} and {4 to 5}. However there are six numbers that mark the transitions between these domains 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This is why you often have to add 1 to the UCount, because the number that controls the UCount often results in N+1 actual points.…
Added by David Rutten at 8:30am on December 25, 2014
ld be the best UI.
I think difference is made by 'Slider = 10' vs 'Slider = 10.000' more than by simple input/component initialization so, why to stop when it could be even more powerful?
Slider = 0 To 5 --- Slider in [0, 5]
Slider = {3; 0 To 5}
Slider = {3;0;5}
Slider = 3;0;5
Slider = 3 0:5
Slider = 3,0,5
Slider = 3 0 5 --- Value and range (min max)
3 0.0 5 --- 3.0 0.0 5.0
3 0 5.0 --- 3.0 0.0 5.0
3.0 0 5 --- 3.0 0.0 5.0
-1 0 5 --- 0 0 5 (-1 -1 5)
6 0 5 --- 5 0 5 (6 0 6)
Slider = 0:2:6 --- Even numbers: 0, 2, 4, 6.
Slider = 1:2:7 --- Odd numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7.
0:2:5 --- 0:2:4 (or 0:2:6)
3:2:8 --- 3:2:7 (or 3:2:9)
3 1:2:7 --- 1 3 5 7 (value 3)
Bang! = 7 --- 7 outputs
Merge = 5 --- 5 inputs
What's your opinion about Bang! = 7? As it's setting number of inputs, should it use different format? Bang! 7? Bang! (7)? Bang! i7?
+ * - / \ % ^ & | ! = > --- Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, Division, Integer Division, Modulus, Power, AND, OR, NOT, Larger than, &c.
= could be a problem.
\ Integer division or Set difference?
! could be NOT but also Factorial.
| could mean intersection.
& could mean concatenate.
1+ --- Addition: input A = 1
2* --- Multiplication: input A = 2
+{0,1,1} --- Addition: input B = {0,1,1}
0-, 1/, 2^, 10^, e^ have their own components
Flatten = {7} or Flatten = 7 --- Input P = {7} (off-topic: Why can’t P be a list?)
Pt = {1, 2, 3} --- Point XYZ, X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3.
Swatch = 129,239,231 (102)
Swatch = 129 139 231 102
F2 = "x^2+y"
"List Length" and "List Insert" don't work properly: "Value List" is choosen. Why? What's the reason to this choice? Well, I'd like to know how the whole thing (search by keywords) works, David.
Name and nickname can be now used as keywords. "Larger" works for ">" but "greater" doesn't. Could it be improved? Could synonyms be used? Could a short description even be used (I know this could be a bit weird)?
more than --- >
more or less --- Similarity
more less --- Similarity
red green --- Sets.List components should be showed
lightning --- Split Tree
What about use Curve.Analysis or Math.Boolean to display those Tab.Panel components? Param, Math, Sets, Vector? Primitive, Special, Util? Tab, Panel, and Tab.Panel as keywords.
At the moment that I write this, I check that ignoring accents in keywords has almost been included (0.8.0009): p`anel, pañel, pánel --- panel (almost)
Shouldn’t 'Dom2' work for Dom²?
What about nested search? You type some keywords (say 'Params' or 'Params.Geometry', or 'red green', or 'lst') and then you make a fine-tunning search over previous results/keywords. Tab.Panel and/or nested geometry could be useful when search by plug-in is desired or when you want to search among .ghuser components (first 'ghuser' or 'Extra.MyPlugIn' or 'lst' keyword and then fine-tunning, specific, search).
Is 'list length' performing this nested search right now ('lst' > 'length')? Anyway, I am thinking about UI (graphical) changes; successive searches.
As I said, description (and even words from the help info) could be used to search. What about "some kind of tags"? I mean that if 'list l' to finally choose List Length has been used for a while, that could be learned. Eventually, an XML file could store these tags, so you could even edit them. That could implement description, name, nickname, help info, Tab.Panel, .ghuser, synonyms (lots of them), tags/shortcuts or wathever.
How could flatten/graft/reverse be used? Initialize graft+Simplify or graft+Bang! could be really useful.
What about expressions? I don't how could it be done properly: would Slider = x^2 (expression) work? I mean, aren't expressions parsed when initializing?
Is Panel somehow doing this? 'panel = wathever' always suppose that wathever is a string, so you can't use 'panel = <pi>'. Sets.Strings components also do this.
I've been about to write several paragraphs about height/width (resizable components: Panel, Graph Mapper, Slider, &c.), input/output names (Scripts, F components; or any component with editable input/output names), orientation (Scribble), type hint and access option, nickname, &c. but, to sum up: being able to set any property when initializing would be really useful. I'd like to know the best choice of syntax but I'm sure that, David, you're closer to the answer. What do you think about this?
Slider: 3 0 5 "MySlider" "Slider^2"
Panel: "This is the content" "This is the title"
VB: "N" List Integer 7 "r" Item Double
Addition: A 1 B 2
I guess that any unified syntax would be elegant and useful, but additional ad hoc syntax (per component) could be even better (cleaner).
What about use lists of values? I'm not sure about format: panel = ("Hello", "Bonjour", "Hola")? If any valid format/syntax is found, maybe more sophisticated fetaures could be achieved: panel = {0;0} ("A", "B", "C") {0;1} ("1", "2", "3") How would you like this to be implemented?
There is a much simpler and interesting feature that would be useful, in my opinion: being able to initialize more than one component. I mean say 7xSlider = 10.0 and get 7 sliders and I also mean multiline (multi-component) initialization: Ctrl+Intro when you want to start a new line and Intro (or even some Accept/Cancel buttons when you activate multiline mode) to initialize (every line/component), for example. I mean:
3 x Slider = 1
Mass addition
And the whole bunch of components that were in mind (pre-thinked definition) is initialized. It speeds up the workflow, making more dynamic to add components that are only available via the drop-down panels.
Should this multiplier be something like a text box adjacent to search field more than '7x'?
These are some of my thoughts about intitializing. Please let me know your opinion :]
10 curve
11 curve
12 curve
13 curve
...and I'd like to rearrange the order in which the curve are listed, to something like this:
0 curve
1 curve
8 curve
9 curve
10 curve
11 curve
2 curve
3 curve
4 curve
5 curve
12 curve
13 curve
6 curve
7 curve
I hope this makes sense.
Thank in advance for any advice,