each face of the mesh, but apparentely rhinoscriptsyntax.MeshVertexColors doesn't give me an output I can read and use , and same goes when I try to use rhinoscriptsyntax.ColorHLSToRGB command
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
rs.Command("unweld 0")
rs.AddLayer("MainMesh")#'pick Mesh which is unwelded at 0strObject = rs.GetObject("Select mesh", 32)#'store mesh in base layerrs.ObjectLayer(strObject,"MainMesh")#' get the face vertices of the mesharrFaces = rs.MeshFaces(strObject, True)#'get the vertex colors of the meshcolor = rs.MeshVertexColors(strObject)
i = 0
arrFace = []arrHLS = []arrFaceVertices2 = []
while i <= len(arrFaces)-1:''''''arrFace.append(arrFaces[i]) ''''''arrFace.append(arrFaces[i+1]) ''''''arrFace.append(arrFaces[i+2]) ''''''arrFace.append(arrFaces[i+3]) ''''''arrHLS.append(rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[i])) ''''''print(color[i]) ''''''print arrHLS
'''''' i = i + 4
''''''arrFace = [] ''''''arrHLS = [] ''''''arrFaceVertices2 = []
The result I get is :
Color [A=255, R=55, G=55, B=55][<Rhino.Display.ColorHSL object at 0x00000000000001F7 [Rhino.Display.ColorHSL]>]Color [A=255, R=55, G=55, B=55][<Rhino.Display.ColorHSL object at 0x00000000000001F8 [Rhino.Display.ColorHSL]>]Color [A=255, R=55, G=55, B=55][<Rhino.Display.ColorHSL object at 0x00000000000001F9 [Rhino.Display.ColorHSL]>]Color [A=255, R=59, G=59, B=59][<Rhino.Display.ColorHSL object at 0x00000000000001FA [Rhino.Display.ColorHSL]>]Color [A=255, R=55, G=55, B=55][<Rhino.Display.ColorHSL object at 0x00000000000001FB [Rhino.Display.ColorHSL]>]
But if I try to get color[i][0] I get an error, how can I access to the numbers RGB or the HLS one as numbers?
Thanks a lot!
n be moved to the appropriate place. The files are sensitive, but I can email them directly to you if you like.
1/ Contouring (and also Brep/Plane Intersection) generates non-closed curves from a closed brep (the screenshot actually shows a surface instead of a brep, but the same thing happens):
2/ Contour generates non-planar curves (one is also open, see below). This is very disturbing because it cannot be used to create a 'boundary surface'.
3/ Offset doesn't return all results. This seems like more of a rhinocommon problem. It always returns a valid result, but often not the one I want. Better would be to return all results and let me choose what I want.
4/ Fillet issues. See image below, the fillet component works fine up to a certain radius and then the one on the right disappears completely (presumably the radius is too large so it gives up). However, if I use the FilletAtParameter component, the fillet works at each of these points but it won't do all of the fillets at once (regardless of how I arrange the data tree). My work around at this point is to get it to fillet each of the sharp bits separately and then RegionUnion all the curves together, which is incredibly slow.
5/ There is no ExtrudeTapered component, so I wrote a quick VB.Net component to expose this functionality. Firstly: I cannot for the life of me figure out what the "Base Point" input does. This seems to have no impact on the result and the documentation is missing. Secondly: giving it a non-unitized vector does very strange things to the result.
Thank you for your help!
or Ladybug and Honeybee:
1. Our recent presentation at IBPSA-NYC is now available online. We do an overview of what Ladybug and Honeybee capabilities with a short live demo:
part 1: https://vimeo.com/107501953 - part 2: https://vimeo.com/107502226
2. Chris recorded a great set of tutorials together for "Getting Started with Ladybug" that walks you through several components in Ladybug: (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLruLh1AdY-Sj_XGz3kzHUoWmpWDXNep1O)
3. He (Chris) also recorded another great set of videos for comfort tools that he is currently developing for Ladybug and Honeybee: (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLruLh1AdY-Sho45_D4BV1HKcIz7oVmZ8v)
4. With the help of Mohammad, we finally uploaded the videos from the workshop that I led at Penn few months ago which covers Daylighting with Honeybee: (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkjfDmSc5OryXkWSt57ltJFU4qXD5ss1v)
5. Finally, Chris also started a series of videos on Energy Modeling with Honeybee that you can watch here: (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLruLh1AdY-SgW4uDtNSMLeiUmA8YXEHT_)
There are couple of stuff which are coming next, soon:
1. So Young is modifying the videos for the Ladybug workshop and once they are ready, we will upload them.
2. I will be capturing a number of videos for developers soon. We are so excited to see all the new developers joining the team and we understand the need to support you to get started. I hope these videos can help you to understand the development logic and get you started with the development.
OK. Now if you have access to Internet, which I supposed you do as you are reading this online, you have no excuse not to learn Ladybug and Honeybee. :)
Let us know your comments and suggestions.
Cheers, Mostapha…
use Google's API, especially if you'd like to achieve a great quantity of data without overloading Google's servers.
I used a way to request data without overloading Google's servers by using a tiling method. Obviously, this component respects the limit of 2500 requests per day.
This is how the component works:
1) set one point and its coordinates
2) generate surfaces by using isotrim component (Basically, each sub-surface is a request)
3) set the number of division of each surface and the resolution of Google static maps
4) run, move points and generate surfaces with surface from points
5) apply textures to the surfaces
In the image below another small example:
I was thinking that this should be useful for wind simulation with Butterfly, maybe.
rring to the above image)
Vy shear
Vz shear
of Area
of Area
(strong axis)
(strong axis)
(strong axis)
(strong axis)
(strong axis)
(weak axis)
(weak axis)
(weak axis)
(weak axis)
I have a very similar table which I could import to the Karamba table. But I have i_v or i_u values as well as radius of inertia for instance.
Radius R
L 20x3
L 20x4
L 25x3
L 25x4
L 30x3
L 30x4
L 36x3
L 36x4
L 36x5
I have diagonals (bracings) which can buckle in these "non-regular" directions too, and they do. If I could add those values then in the Karamba model I could assign specific buckling scenarios..... I can see another challenge which will be at the ModifyElement component, I will not be able to choose these buckling lengths, in these directions.
Do you think this functionality can be added within short, or should I try to find another way to model these members?
Br, Balazs
ack to .ghx?
This is in relation to a discussion I've been having with David Rutten & Scott Davidson about GH consuming memory in a relatively large GH definition (~. I think what I've learned from this is that one should limit the size of the GH file, or put some incremental stops in the definition to limit the length of calculations that it runs at once. Is this a valid conclusion?
The GH file we're talking about is 7Mb & the Rhino file is about 120Mb, but when working w/ the GH def. I try to only keep about 2 curves turned on.
Here's a summary of the discussion:
Hi Mike,thanks for sending it over. I've been fiddling with the file for about 10 minutes and it climbed from 1.7 GB to 1.9GB, but then I've been switching previews on which means more meshes get calculated so you'd expect a higher memory consumption. It is possible we're leaking memory, but if you're working for hours on end, memory fragmentation might also explain part of the increase. Basically, memory gets fragmented just like disks get fragmented after prolonged use, difference is that memory cannot be defragmented unless you restart the application and allow it to start with a clean slate. I'll try and find any leaks we may have missed in the past.Goodwill,David
──────────── David Rutten
On 09/03/2011 06:19, Mike Calvino wrote:
Thanks very much David for the quick response. I've attached the files zipped. I can't figure out what's doing it. After working in the file for awhile, the memory usage in the Windows Task Manager climbs . . . it's gotten to 1.57+Gb before I exited GH & Rhino5Wip & let it dissipate, then restart & work for awhile before it does it again. It probably takes like 4 or 5 hours before it gets that high. That's the highest it's gotten, & that only happened while I was working in a Rhino file that had all of the elements baked into it - turned off at least, but it still climbed to 1.57+Gb. It seems to climbs when you work in the file & move around in both the GH def. & the Rhino file. Like turn on a few of the Extr components at the right end of the "StandareRibExtuder" groups, you can watch the MemUsage go up, but when you turn them off, it does not go down. - goes up fast at this point. Maybe I need to figure out how to do the definition with fewer components, I'm sure that's part of it, but I must confess, I think I'm still early on in the learning curve.I really hope that this is not operator error on my part & I do apologize up front if it is. I have done a disk cleanup, I have tried excluding .3dm & .ghx files from my NOD32 antivirus, no change. I hope you can find something.Let me know if you have any trouble with the files.See if you find anything & please let me know . . . thanks!Cheers! --Mike CalvinoCalvino Architecture Studio, inc.www.calvinodesign.com
, Engineer and Researcher from France with broad programming experience. He is the author of the City in 3D Rhinoceros plugin for creation of buildings according to geojson file and with real elevation. Guillaume already created a new component: "Address to Location". It enables getting latitude and longitude values for the given address:
2) Support of Bathymetry data: automatic creation of underwater (sea/river/lake floor) terrain. This feature is now available through new source_ input of the "Terrain generator" component. Here is an example of terrain of the Loihi underwater volcano, of the coast of Hawaii:
3) A new terrain source has been added: ALOS World 3D 30m. ALOS is a Japanese global terrain data. Gismo "Terrain Generator" component has been using SRTM 30m terrain data, which hasn't been global and was limited to -56 to +60 latitude range. With this addition, it is possible to switch between SRTM and ALOS World 3D 30m models with the use of source_ input.
4) 9 new components have been added:
"Address To Location" - finds latitude and longitude coordinates for the given address.
"XY To Location" - finds latitude and longitude coordinates for the given Rhino XY coordinates. "Location To XY" - vice versa from the previous component: finds Rhino XY coordinates for the given latitude longitude coordinates. "Z To Elevation" - finds elevation for particular Rhino point. "Rhino text to number" - convert numeric text from Rhino to grasshopper number. "Rhino unit to meters" - convert Rhino units to meters. "Deconstruct location" - deconstructs .epw location. "New Component Example" - this component explains how to make a new Gismo component, in case you are interested to make one. We welcome new developers, even if you contribute a single component to Gismo! "Support Gismo" - gives some suggestions on how to make Gismo better, how to improve it and support it.
5) Ladybug "Terrain Generator" component now supports all units, not only Meters. So any Gismo example file which uses this component, can now use Rhino units other than Meters as well. Thank you Antonello Di Nunzio for making this happen!!
Basically just forget about this yellow panel:
This panel is not valid anymore, so just use any unit you want.
6) A number of bugs have been fixed, reported in topics for the last couple of weeks. We would like to thank members in the community who invested their time in testing, finding these bugs and reporting them: Rafat Ahmed, Peter Zatko, Mathieu Venot, Abraham Yezioro, Rafael Alonso. Thank you guys!!! Apologies if we forgot to mention someone.
The version 0.0.2 can be downloaded from here:
And example files from here:
Any new suggestions, testing and bug reports are welcome!!…
Added by djordje to Gismo at 5:13pm on March 1, 2017
) Course Fee: Professional EUR 825,- (+VAT), Student EUR 415,- (+VAT)
Led by plug-in developer and structural engineer Clemens Preisinger, along with Zeynep Aksoz and Matthew Tam from the expert Karamba3D team, this three-day workshop will focus on methods of setting up structural systems in the parametric environment of Grasshopper. The participants will be guided through the basics of analyzing and interpreting structural models, to optimization processes, and how to integrate Karamba3D into C# scripts.
This workshop is aimed towards beginner to intermediate users of Karamba3D. However, advanced users are also encouraged to apply. It is open to both professional and academic users. For beginner users of Rhino and Grasshopper, there will be an optional introductory course one day before the Karamba3D course.
Karamba3D 1is a parametric structural engineering tool which provides accurate analysis of spatial trusses, frames, and shells. Karamba3D is fully embedded in the parametric design environment of Grasshopper, a plug-in for the 3D modeling tool Rhinoceros. This makes it easy to combine parameterized geometric models, finite element calculations, and optimization algorithms like Galapagos.
Course Outline
Introduction and presentation of project examples
Optimization of cross sections of line-based and surface-based elements
Geometric optimization
Topological optimization
Structural performance informed form finding
Understanding analysis algorithms embedded in Karamba3D and visualizing results
Complex workflow processes in Rhino, Grasshopper, and Karamba3D
Places are limited to a maximum of 10 participants with limited educational places. A minimum of 4 participants is required for the workshop to take place. The workshop will be canceled if this quota is not filled by October 28. The workshop will be taught in English.
Course Requirements
Basic Rhino and Grasshopper knowledge is recommended. An introductory course is offered.
No knowledge of Karamba3D is needed. Participants should bring their own laptops with Grasshopper and either Rhino 5 or Rhino 6 installed. You can download a 90-day trial version of Rhino. Karamba3D ½ year licenses for non-commercial use will be provided to all participants.
Please register here……
Added by Matthew Tam at 6:38am on September 13, 2019
u can still find some wonky behaviour in GH related to datatrees. My experience is that new users quite quickly get the hang of it once they learn that a tree is in fact not a tree but in the first place set of lists, where the path shows how the pieces of data used to be grouped.
Branch Count checking A component has multiple tree inputs, but has different amount of branches, each having branch count > 2. (While I understand the logic of combining multiple trees, I've not once encounted once that combining a component with e.g. an input of 2 branches and an input of 4 branches to give any kind of sensible output.
Desired behaviour: If a component has branches (each being > 2 path count), the component should throw a warning. ("Strict branches behaviour?). For example: take an offset component, with 6 branches of curves and 5 branches of offsets. It is extremely likely that this is the result of an error earlier in the definition. This works however without a problem - the last branch is repeated again, and it's later on quite hard to discover something went wrong.
Checking branch Count The most important numeric is the amount of branches, and the amount of items in the tree. It's desired that the hovers show the amount of data and the amount of branches.
Desired behaviour
Trees with paths of different rank Trees that contain {0;0} and {0} and {0;0;1} is usually a sign of trouble of not well merged trees, faulty C# components, or just nasty coding habits.
Trim as undo graft instead of flatten Having the trim in the context menu would provide an easy way to undo a graft. Right now the easiest way for many people is to flatten it, and then start all over again - while just getting rid of the last index keeps the underlying history and makes it easier to write reuseable pieces of code when you prepend datatrees to it.
Component to get branch by index, not by path Would be great. Suppose you have a grid of points, grouped by row. It would help to show: "look, this is in the first path, it's called {0;0;1}, it's got 10 points, these points are the first row".
Analogue to using list item to show what is the first point, second point, and so on.
Semantic path names (maybe far fetched) But what if we can add a short name of each method that was executed to the path list, so it can show:
{Slider 0; Series 0; Point 0}{Slider 0; Series 0; Point 1}
{Slider 0; Series 0; Point 2}
{Slider 0; Series 0; Point 3}
{Slider 0; Series 1; Point 0}
{Slider 0; Series 1; Point 1}
{Slider 0; Series 1; Point 2}
{Slider 0; Series 1; Point 3}
Make the input/data matching inside components explicit Can we make it even more obvious that a component is not a black box that's executed once, but in fact an iteration machine that tries to make sense of the inputs that's fed to this box?
Show data combination. How data input A relates to data input B and data input C, is currently very implict and is just plain hard to learn., and required the ability to be able to relate the output back to the input. If we can textually or even graphically show what data matching occured inside a component, it would greatly help the understanding (and debugging) of "what's going on here in this component"
A verbose explanation of the data matching in component A
Iteration one: - Geometry: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 0: (Point 0,0,0) - Motion: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 0: (Vector 0,0,0)
Iteration two:
- Geometry: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 0: (Point 0,0,0)
- Motion: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 1: (Vector 10,0,0)
Iteration three:
- Geometry: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 0: (Point 0,0,0)
- Motion: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 1: (Vector 20,0,0)
A verbose explanation of the data matching in component B
Iteration one: - Geometry: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 0: (Point 0,0,0) - Motion: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 0: (Vector 0,0,0)
Iteration seven:
- Geometry: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 0: (Point 0,0,0)
- Motion: We take the data item from Branch 7, Position 0: (Vector 0,70,0)
Iteration 27:
- Geometry: We take the data item from Branch 0, Position 7: (Point 80,0,0)
- Motion: We take the data item from Branch 2, Position 0: (Vector 0,20,0)
nd improvements. Many of the new features and components announced in the last release have become stable and have emerged from their WIP section. Additionally, after two years of work, we are happy to announce that we finally have full support of an OpenStudio connection within Honeybee, which has ushered in a whole host of new features, notably the modelling of detailed HVAC systems. As always you can download the new release from Food4Rhino. Make sure to remove the older version of Ladybug and Honeybee and update your scripts.
1 - Solar Hot Water Components Out of WIP
After much beta-testing, bug-fixing, and general development, all of the Photovoltaic and Solar Hot Water components are now fully out of WIP! The main component is based on a Chengchu Yan's publication. Components have been added to Ladybug thanks to the efforts of Chengchu Yan and Djordje Spasic.. See Djorje’s original release post of the solar hot water components for more information on the components that just made it out of WIP.
2 - New Terrain Shading Mask Released in WIP
In addition to Djordje’s prolific addition of renewable energy components, he has also contributed a widely-useful component to generate terrain shading masks, which account for the shading of surrounding mountains/terrain in simulations. While initially added to assist the solar radiation radiation and renewable energy components, the component will undergo development to optimize it for energy and daylight simulations over the next few months. Another new component called Horizon Angles can be used to visualize and export horizon angles. You can test them out now by accessing them in the WIP section. For more information, see Djordje’s release post on the GH forum here.
3 - New Mesh Selector Component
After realizing that the Optimal Shade Creator component has applications to a whole range of analyses, it has now been re-branded as the Mesh Selector and has been optimized to work easily with these many analyses. Specifically, the component selects out the portion of a mesh that meets a given threshold. This can be the portion of a shade benefit analysis meeting a certain level of shade desirability, the portion of a radiation study meeting a certain level of fulx, the portion of a daylight analysis meeting a certain lux threshold, and much more!
4 - Solar Adjusted Temperature Now Includes Long Wave Radiation
Thanks to a question asked by Aymeric and a number of clarifications made by Djordje Spasic, the Solar Adjusted Temperature component now includes the ability to account for long-wave radiative loss to the sky in addition to it original capability to account for short wave radiation from the sun. As such, the component now includes all capabilities of similar outdoor comfort tools such as RayMan. The addition of this capability is also paralleled by the addition of a new horizontalInfraredRadiation output on the ImportEPW component. See the updated solar adjusted example file hereto see how to use the component properly.
5 - Support for both Log and Power Law Wind Profiles
In preparation for the future release of the Butterfly CFD-modelling insect, the Ladybug Wind Profile component now includes the option of either power law or log law wind profiles, which are both used extensively in CFD studies. Thanks goes to Theodoros Galanos for providing the formulas!
6 - New Radiant Asymmetry Comfort Components
Prompted by a suggestion from Christian Kongsgaard, Ladybug now includes components to calculate radiant asymmetry discomfort! For examples of how to use the components see this example file for spatial analysis of radiant asymmetry discomfort and this example for temporal analysis.
7 - Pedestrian Wind Comfort Component Released in WIP
In preparation for the impending release of the butterfly CFD-modelling insect, Djordje Spasic with assistance from Liam Harrington has contributed a component to evaluate outdoor discomfort and pedestrian safety. The component identifies if certain areas around the building are suitable for sitting, building entrances-exits, window shopping... based on its wind microclimate. Dangerous areas due to high wind speeds are also identified.You can check it out now in the WIP section.
1 - New HVAC Systems and Full OpenStudio Support
After a significant amount of development on the part of the OpenStudio team and two years of effort on the part of LB+HB developers, we (finally!) have full support for an OpenStudio connection within Honeybee. By this, we mean that any energy simulation property that can be assigned to a HBZone will be taken into account in the simulation run by the OpenStudio component. The connection to OpenStudio has brought with it several new capabilities. Most notably, you can now assign full HVAC systems and receive energy results in units of electricity and fuel instead of simple heating and cooling loads. This Honeybee release includes 14 built-in HVAC template systems that can be assigned to the zones, each of which can be customized:
0. Ideal Air Loads 1. PTAC | Residential 2. PTHP | Residential 3. Packaged Single Zone - AC 4. Packaged Single Zone - HP 5. Packaged VAV w/ Reheat 6. Packaged VAV w/ PFP Boxes 7. VAV w/ Reheat 8. VAV w/ PFP Boxes 9. Warm Air Furnace - Gas Fired 10.Warm Air Furnace - Electric 11.Fan Coil Units + DOAS 12.Active Chilled Beams + DOAS 13.Radiant Floors + DOAS 14.VRF + DOAS
Systems 1-10 are ASHRAE Baseline systems that represent much of what has been added to building stock over the last few decades while systems 11-14 are systems that are commonly being installed today to reduce energy use. Here is an example file showing how to assign these systems in Honeybee and interpret the results and here is an example showing how to customize the HVAC system specifications to a wide variety of cases. To run the file, you will need to have OpenStudio installed and you can download and install OpenStudio from here.
In addition to these template systems within Honeybee, the OpenStudio interface includes hundreds of HVAC components to build your own custom HVAC systems. OpenStudio also has a growing number of user-contributed HVAC system templates that have been integrated into a set of scripts called "Measures" that you can apply to your OpenStudio model within the OpenStudio interface. You can find these system templates by searching for them in the building components library. Here is a good tutorial video on how to apply measures to your model within the OpenStudio interface. Honeybee includes a component that runs these measures from Grasshopper (without having to use the OpenStudio interface), which you can see a demo video of here. However, this component is currently in WIP as OpenStudio team is still tweaking the file structure of measures and it is fairly safe to estimate that, by the next stable release of Honeybee, we will have full support of OpenStudio measures within GH.
2 - Phasing Out IDF Exporter
With the connection to OpenStudio now fully established, this release marks the start of a transition away from exporting directly to EnergyPlus and the beginning of Honeybee development that capitalizes on OpenStudio’s development. As such THIS WILL BE THE LAST STABLE RELEASE THAT INCLUDES THE HONEYBEE_RUN ENERGY SIMULATION COMPONENT.
The Export to OpenStudio component currently does everything that the Run Energy Simulation component does and, as such, it is intended that all GH definitions using the Run Energy Simulation component should replace it with the OpenStudio component. You can use the same Read EP Result components to import the results from the OpenStudio component and you can also use the same Energy Sim Par/Generate EP Output components to customize the parameters of the simulation. The only effective difference between the two components is that the OpenStudio component enables the modeling of HVAC and exports the HBZones to an .osm file before converting it to an EnergyPlus .idf.
For the sake of complete clarity, we should state that OpenStudio is simply an interface for EnergyPlus and, as such, the same calculation engine is under the hood of both the Export to OpenStudio component and the Run Energy Simulation component. At present, you should get matching energy simulation results between the Run Energy Simulation component and a run of the same zones with the OpenStudio component (using an ideal air system HVAC).
All of this is to say that you should convert your GH definitions that use the Run Energy Simulation component to have the OpenStudio component and this release is the best time to do it (while the two components are supported equally). Additionally, with this version of Honeybee you will no longer need to install EnergyPlus before using Honeybee and you will only need to install OpenStudio (which includes EnergyPlus in the install).
3 - New Schedule Generation Components
Thanks to the efforts of Antonello Di Nunzio, we now have 2 new components that ease the creation of schedule-generation in Honeybee. The new components make use of the native Grasshopper “Gener Pool” component to give a set of sliders for each hour of the day. Additionally, Antonello has included an annual schedule component that contains a dictionary of all holidays of every nearly every nation (phew!). Finally, this annual schedule component can output schedules in the text format recognized by EnergyPlus, which allows them to be written directly into the IDF instead of a separate CSV file. This will significantly reduce the size of files needed to run simulations and can even reduce the number of components on your canvas that are needed to add custom schedules. For more information, see Antonello’s explanatory images here and Antonello's example file here. You can also see a full example file of how to apply the schedules to energy simulations here.
4 - EnergyPlus Lookup Folder, Re-run OSM/IDF, and Read Result Dictionary
With the new capabilities of OpenStudio, we have also added a number of components to assist with managing all of the files that you get from the simulation. In particular, Abraham Yezioro has added a Lookup EnergyPlus Folder component that functions very similarly to the Lookup Daylight Folder component. This way, you can run an Energy simulation once and explore the results separately. Furthermore, we have added components to Re-Run OpenStudio .osm files or EnergyPlus .idf files within Grasshopper. These components are particularly useful if you edit these .osm or .idf files outside of Honeybee and want to re-run them to analyze their results in Grasshopper. Lastly, a component has been added to parse the .rdd (or Result Data Dictionary) file that EnergyPlus produces, enabling you to see all of the possible outputs that you can request from a given simulation.
5 - Electric Lighting Components Out of WIP
After Sarith Subramaniam’s initial components to model electric lights with Radiance in the last release, we are happy to report that they have been fully tested and are out of WIP. Improvements include support for all types of light fixture geometries and the ability to use the components in a more “Grasshoppery” list-like fashion. See Sarith’s original release post for more information and several example files showing how to use the components can be found here. 1 , 2 , 3 .
6 - Improvements to THERM Components
A number of bug fixes and improvements have been made to the THERM components in order to make their application more flexible and smooth. Special thanks is due to Derin Yilmaz , Mel King , Farnaz , Ben (@benmo1) , and Abraham Yezioro for all of the great feedback in the process of improving these components.
7 - HBObject Transform Components
After some demand for components that can ease the generation of buildings with modular zone types, two components to transform HBObjects with all of their properties have been added to the 00 | Honeybee section. The components allow you to produce copies of zones that are translated or rotated from the original position.
8 - Comfort Maps Supports PET and Integration of CFD Results
Thanks to the addition of the ‘Physiological Equivalent Temperature’ (PET) component by Djordje Spasic in the last stable release, it is now possible to make comfort maps of PET with Honeybee. PET is particularly helpful for evaluating OUTDOOR comfort with detailed wind fields at a high spatial resolution. As such, the new PET recipe has also been optimized for integration with CFD results. The windSpeed_ input can now accept the file path to a .csv file that is organized with 8760 values in each column and a number of columns that correspond to the number of test points. Components to generate this csv from Butterfly CFD results will be coming in later releases. Stay tuned!
As always let us know your comments and suggestions.
Enjoy!Ladybug Analysis Tools Development Team