g definition but in diva for grasshopper in material it just appear dusty_med and not metal_railings and metal_treads. How I should write the correct definition?
void brightfunc dusty_med4 dirt dirt.cal -s 101 .25
dusty_med metal metal_railings005 .7 .7 .7 .3 .2
dusty_med metal metal_treads005 .5 .5 .5 .3 .2…
ll these 12500 points.
Group 1 would represent the point located at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 etc.
Group 2 - 1, 6, 11, 16, 21 etc.
Group 3 - 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 etc.
Group 4 - 3, 8, 13, 18, 23 etc.
Group 5 - 4, 9, 14, 19, 24 etc.
I can create the pattern but the selection of points are all the points in row 0 and then all the points in row 5 and so on.
I would like the selection of points to start at the bottom left, and sequentially continue to the right and then continue on the 2nd row (left to right & bottom to top). i am hoping the pattern i am trying to achieve is more understood with the quick screen capture I uploaded.
the end goal is to be able to select all the points in the grid that are in each pattern.
Thanks in advance for any guidance with this. …
Added by Alyne Rankin at 6:53am on October 11, 2017
but you could use some combination of components to control the length of the '1' run and value of the repetition.
Inserting lists into other lists is in fact the much more complex. Grasshopper vanilla only provides a component for inserting individual items into a list (although many items can be inserted at once, making the insertion calculation index maths a lot easier).
To do it right you'll have to repeat the '1', '2', '3' as many times as you need to insert it, and then, generate the matching list of insertion indices '3', '3', '3', '7, '7', '7', ... This will involve a fair amount of Series or Duplicate, or Stack, or whatever...…
identical knots on end ends of the curve, so the knot vector will look something like:
So one at each end and one in the middle.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia…
Added by David Rutten at 3:47am on January 7, 2013
a seed, and instead creating a pattern where each color has a seed/control slider for each row? For example, row 1: brown 2, tan 6, yellow 7, purple 3, repeat. row 2: brown 6, tan 1, yellow 4, purple 10, repeat. row 3: yellow 5, purple 1, brown 3, tan 10, repeat. row 4: purple 2, brown 7, tan 3, yellow 4, repeat. Then repeat that sequence up the wall? For each color, the number in the sequence should be adjustable.
Thank you again for your help!…