Display problem grasshopper preview in rhino

aaah this drives me crazy! I have a problem with Grasshopper and the preview in Rhino. I didn't find sth in the discussions. I work with Rhino 5 and GH 08.0066. If I activate for example any element in rhino that is next to the previewed GH stuff it fully appears but without it looks like the one beneath. Has someone an idea? Thanks for any help!

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    Sebastian L.

    any news / ideas about this?

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    Hannes Löschke

    After Rhino5 started acting weird on me (viewports freezing in OpenGL mode, dialog content shifted 90% out of the forms canvas on the first draw call,...), I can now confirm that a simple uninstall/reinstall cycle doesn't fix the GH problem.

    Hardware probably isn't the problem. Only thing that is consistent is the "i7" part of the CPU name.

    rest of my specs:

    intel i7-2600K @ 4,2GHz

    ASRock P67 Extreme Gen3

    16Gig Dual-Channel-RAM

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      arkadius belov

      Hi everyone, I just wanted to share my 'exploding gumball' experience:

      Whilst pushing kangaroo to the limit, [manipulating meshes with random vectors and springs from lines], i have pushed the engine a little too far, causing the mesh to explode/disintegrate/disappear to infinity -- sometimes when this happens, my rhino gumball disappears, or sometimes just loses its arrowheads, and whatever geometry i have in my  view-port glitches in and out of visibility during a rotate or something. This has happened a few times, if saved, it seems to corrupt the file, to recover the geometry i will export or copy it into a new file,  this has occurred on various computers running various hardware setups [i5-6series with quadro, i7-7700k w 1050ti]

      for me it is not really a problem, i love the software, and understand that it will have some limitations etc.. cheers aki