SpiderWeb examples

Just curious if anyone else has used the spiderweb plugin and has any examples of how to use it? I've seen the example from their site, but just wanted to see what other people has done with it. 

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    Martin Dembski

    Hi Nay,


    I think there is a good explaining example in the archiv file, when you download SpiderWeb.

    Maybe you missed it?




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      Richard Schaffranek


      a little late but

      There are examples with the downloadable file, either from food4rhino or from http://www.gbl.tuwien.ac.at/Archiv/digital.html.

      If you have any questions please post them within the group.



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        Bryan T Jones

        I downloaded SpiderWeb 4.2 and am able to access the components from Grasshopper. However, I did not find any documentations or examples in the zip file. It seems the link mentioned by Richard Schaffranek is quite old and takes to university, but not to documentation. Can anyone share new link if available?


        Bryan T Jones
