How to define per-GHA loading mechanism?

I've recently discovered that for my new GHA plug in to work, it has to be loaded directly from disk rather than relying on COFF loading. Everything I've seen seems to indicate that I should be able to define a property of my assembly to tell GH to load it a specific way. My assumption was that I should just override the LoadingMechanism property of a class in my assembly implementing GH_AssemblyInfo, but unlike all the other properties, LoadingMechanism cannot be overridden. 

What is the proper method by which to tell GH to load my GHA direct, independent of whole-app settings?

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    Andrew Heumann

    error:  'HumanUI.HumanUI_AssemblyInfo.LoadingMechanism.get': cannot override inherited member 'Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_AssemblyInfo.LoadingMechanism.get' because it is not marked virtual, abstract, or override C:\Users\Andheum\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\HumanUI\HumanUI\HumanUI_AssemblyInfo.cs 27 13 HumanUI

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    Andrew Heumann

    Bump - David, can you clarify?