Arthur van der Harten


Norwalk, CT

United States

Profile Information:

Company, School, or Organization
Open Research in Acoustical Science and Education
Web or Blog

Comment Wall:

  • Sumandeep Singh

    Hi Arthur
    I am trying to use Pachyderm plug in for acoustical simulations on a project. We are facing technical difficulty while installing the latest version of the plug in for grasshopper. Also when we installed the latest plug in downloaded yesterday, it crashes rhino every time we run calculation. We really appreciate your effort creating such a unique platform, would appreciate your revert regarding the above issues


  • Matt Stewart

    Hi Arthur, 

    The dropbox link you linked to previously and the website aren't working.  Any place I can download the plug in currently??  


  • veronica arcos

    Hi Arthur!

    I am interested in using pachyderm, I have rhino and gh for mac, is it possible to install it, or it works only in windows?



  • Jingyen Ip

    Hey Arthur,

    I'd like to use Pachyderm for some architectural projects, but it keeps crashing my Rhino 6. Could you share the beta for Rhino 6 with me?

