robert cervellione


New York, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Company, School, or Organization
CERVER design studio
Web or Blog

Comment Wall:

  • Arthur Mamou-Mani

    Hi Robert,
    Thanks for your help so far,I sent you the file,
  • I_M_F [Iker Mugarra Flores]

    Hi Robert,

    I manage to fallow your instruction of your maya particle importer script, but with no success... in the output message keeps appering that the file paths does not exist  i manage to export from maya the PDA file to its respective folder??? that is so weird could you give me any advice, what i am missing???


    Kind regards





  • I_M_F [Iker Mugarra Flores]

    Hi Robert,


    yes i make sure that maya outomaticaly alocates the file at this location:






    I've got the file path by right clicking on top of the file location,clicking at properties  and copying the path directly, then i pasted it on the grasshopper Panel link to the Ploc and the name to the Pname... but stil the message is the same...


    Sorry i know that it is a really silly thing but for some reason it is not running the script...





  • I_M_F [Iker Mugarra Flores]

    Sorry Robert just figure out that i was only exporting a single frame and not the 999 frames of the dinamic animation.... -mnf 0 -mxf 999


    ones again sorry thanks for you quick reply...

  • Sarah Shuttleworth

    thank you very much. I am also trying to show the steering behaviour vectors of each agent as they move, as i want to then apply a component to these points/vectors....

  • jayant khanuja

    worked with remote sliders through a tablet. great fun and very helpful for presentations. thanks

  • rhinograsshopper2014

    Saludos de ecuador porfavor brindame ayuda deseo desarrollar window 500lux ayudame con informacion explicacion desarrollo cualquier ayuda es bienvenida gracias


    Greetings from Ecuador brindame please help develop desire window 500lux help me with information explanation developing any help is welcome thanks