"Cheetah, the CONFIGURBANIST" is a plugin for analyzing and designing urban configurations. A new version is released here

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  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Luis, I have not yet pushed it to limits. There will be issues with betweenness calculation for sure. The new version is on its way and it will be significantly faster. I am planning to release the new version sometime in July. I´ll check your files now


  • Pirouz Nourian

    I did not manage to open your files. They crash GH. Looking at the error message I guess it is because your street network (most probably from OSM) is not topologically connected; meaning it has streets that probably appear to be intersecting while they do not. I know it can be cumbersome to search for such problems in a large network but if the input graph is not connected you get errors from path finding algorithms and the whole process gets stuck. 

  • Luis Gordillo

    I'll definitely have to check that out since I was able to recreate the error in a small portion and it was because of the reason you told me, not all of the streets were topologically connected, thanks for your help, Pirouz

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi all, it looks like nothing is going on with the development, but in fact we are continuously working on a new version. I tested a whole new version in a workshop for eCAADe conference at TU Wien recently. I also presented the new features in a paper and a talk:

    Here are links to my presentation and the paper:

    More info on my website:

     the paper on CONFIGURBANIST, to be made open access early in 2016. For the time being, you can find it on research gate.

  • Tim

    Found a typo.

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Tim, thanks for point out :) ps. the new version is getting almost ready. It will be based on a dll that can be used in coding new projects. Can't promise a date yet because I am busy with writing my dissertation but sometime in the spring I hope we will publish it.  

  • Tim

    Great news indeed. I'll keep an eye for typos or weird stuff. Not a problem for me since I'm gonna use cheetah quite a lot for what I'm doing here.

  • Tim

    Found a typo, peace.

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Thanks! apparently the typos are "dsitbuted" everywhere :)
  • Tim

    Found a typo

  • Tim

    Get this weird pop up when loading my street network. There should be no nurbs there because I converted all of them into polylines prior to the analysis (I double checked with selection tools, no curves).

  • Tim

    Hi Pirouz

    I'm trying to get it working with a street network that I have here, but so far I can't, could you elaborate on the source of the problem?

    1. Solution exception:Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.

    According to Zuzanna:

    I have tried the newest version and I have encountered an issue with Network Distance Calculator. When I connect Attraction Points the component reports an error. It says that "value is too big or too small for Int32 value". What does it mean? 

    solved it. I had some lines which did not connect to the middle of other lines.

    She managed to solve the problem, but I don't understand the nature of it. I know that all the lines must be split into segments and connect to each other's endpoints, but what's wrong?

    (also, there is a flat mesh, I assume if you don't have terrain geometry, component won't work, is that correct?)

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Tim, that component is indeed one of the trickiest in the toolkit. I have been working on alternative approaches intensively in the past year. I will share the new components for splitting the network from our kitchen tomorrow. The problem is the topological validity of the network as one connected graph. Many things that appear to be connected to bare eyes are unfortunately not cleanly connected in terms of their computational representation. There are many efforts in the fields of GIS in the direction of resolving such problems while requiring as little human intervention as possible. Not so easy; but the new tools could do much better I suppose. They are based on a much more systematic approach.


  • Tim

    Yes, I understand.

    Times and times again, we (students) get messy maps for our design projects, not only lines are a mess, but layer structure and blocks are in disarray. I used to clean them up, because of my pedantic nature and rhino skills, my groupmates even gave me a nick for that: "cleaner" XD.

    So, as far as I can tell, I did my best to create a perfect linework for the analysis and was a bit surprised to get the error.

  • TJ

    Pirouz,  I am also getting the "Solution exception:Value was either too large or too small for an Int32." when I connect the attractor points to the network dist. component.

    Maybe there is a way of detecting which streets are not connected and displaying it on rhino as points or circles, the same way as CAD does when hatching fails, or spread to other areas.

  • TJ

    Also,  the street network dist. component should be able to calculate through curves

  • Tim

    Hope Pirouz is ok and doing well with thesis. Hope this project won't die out.

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Tim, thanks for your message; I am fine :). Got an approval on my PhD dissertation the day before yesterday from my professors; and should be able to defend in a couple of months. In the meantime, I will do my best to update the cheetah toolkit with the new version which is 95% ready on my laptop. Keep in touch!

  • Tim

    Hey man, you are alive XD. Great to hear, great news. 

    Wish you good luck with the defence, nail them there XD

    I'm about to start my graduation project, so I feel the excitement and feel like it is important to work hard and try my best.

    I don't want to urge you or anything, please take your time and have enough rest. I'll try to apply your tools for my project, but not sure, the scale might be not so big, anyway if it is gonna be large enough I might pop up here again.

    Take care and have fuuuun.

  • Pirouz Nourian

    @ Thiago Jardim: The problem is most certainly with the problems in your street network data. You can wait for the new version, or in the mean time try to clean your data-set using QGIS or by hand.

  • architect

    pls any direct link for download this plugin i cant find it
  • architect

    pls any direct link for download this plugin i cant find it
  • architect

    pls any direct link for download this plugin i cant find it
  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Architect, you can download the package from here:

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Giovana, Sorry, I do not understand what you mean by a radius for an equipment. Could you please rephrase the question?

  • Djamila Pietzner

    Hello Pirouz Nourian, 

    I am having a little problem with the configurbanist grasshopper file.

    When everI am trying to change the values of the slider-Spatial Catchment Radius and temporal catchment Radius. It does not change anything either in the net distance nor in zoning. Do you might know what I am doing wrong. My file does not show any

  • TJ

    Pirouz, when will the new version be available?

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Djamila, Sorry for my late reaction. Haven't yet checked your file; but could it be that the radii provided for spatial range (metric distance) or temporal range (travel time in Minutes) are outside feasible ranges? Could you please double check?

    Will check your file asap. 

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Thiago, I cannot promise a date yet because I am busy with arranging my PhD defense. Hopefully before September I will do it; I myself would love to do it earlier; but this is one of the many things that I  can only do outside my working hours so it gets delayed.  

  • tal

    Hi Pirouz,

    I am having a problem - the Catchment Analysis component does not have any output that I can use in grasshopper, it is empty and only have the preview.

    I tried to load the fixed one that you uploaded but it still not working.

    there is something I can do so I would be able to use the curves from the analysis?

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Tal, 

    sorry for reacting late, very hectic schedule these days. The only fix I have right now is the attached GHA. Make sure it is unblocked (by going to file properties). It has been tested before and reportedly worked. I will not be possibly able to work on another fix until Wednesday next week. If this did not work, please do not hesitate to remind me here. Catchment_Cheetah.gha

  • tal


    It is working now, thank you very much Pirouz!

  • h4t5u

    Hi Pirouz, 

    I actually have the exact same problem as tal. I tried to install the fix you provide, but it isn't working.

    When grasshoppers asks to replace all, or skip all, I choose the replace all but the fixed component isn't actually loaded.

    I get a second error window, it informs me that "1 object could not be loaded because of ID conflicts. etc"

    How can I solve this issue, and get the fixed component to be loaded? Thank you.

  • tal

    Try to choose the other option instead of replace all (skip all?)


    where can i download cheetah from? i tried the above links..can't seem to find it anywhere

  • Pirouz Nourian

  • John Park

    distance got weird  ... show me infinity then errors 

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi SHILPA PANDE you can go to and press the downward arrow to download. 

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi John Park, it seems like you have a network that is not as connected as it appears. For the time being, I cannot offer an automated method to clean your network and you have to inspect it manually. 

  • John Park

    Dear Pirouz Nourian, what do you mean by "a network that is not as connected as it appears"? ... if I know what it is  ... I will do it manually ... much appreciated ...!!!

  • Pirouz Nourian

    some of the lines that appear to be connected might not be exactly connected. There might also be many other problems such as lines near one another, duplicate lines, overlapping lines, junctions which should not exist and so on.  

  • Pirouz Nourian

    turn on the control points of all lines, zoom in and out, use modelling aids such as snapping options to ensure the lines are clean and connected at their end points. I hope this helps. The next version of the tools are better at this but such problems are difficult to solve automatically in general.  

  • John Park

    Thanks, I will try and let you know!!! 

  • John Park

    Dear Pirouz,

    Thanks a lot!!!

    Yes, it worked ...

    Would you let me know how I can run "local betweenness" you explained in your paper " Configurbanist: Urban Configuration Analysis for Walking and Cycling via Easiest Paths"

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi John, happy to hear that. I could send you the individual tool but it will need adaptations to work with the old version. I will be defending my PhD (on Aula's agenda if you are in Delft) by the end of the week and hopefully soon after I will share the next version of Cheetah, which includes local between-ness and several other new stuff. 

  • Nadine Müller

    Hi everyone! I am trying to use the NetworkDistanceCalculator and I connected the point parameter to the attraction points as list (AttP), but when I choose the points in Rhino I'm getting the following error message  "Solution exception:Value was either too large or too small for an Int32". Can someone help me fixing that?

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi Nadine, based on my experience, that error has most probably to do with the network being disconnected at some street junctions, so that effectively one or more streets end up being kind of an island. This is most likely invisible to eyes unless you zoom in and out to find where such problems are. Please check my posts below about potential cases (duplicate lines, lines not exactly touching each other etc.) I hope this helps. The next version underway might be better at dealing with this indicating where such problems are but in general these problems are difficult to tackle. 

  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi, we are going to release the latest version of CONFIGURBANIST as a dll library (API) that can be accessed through C# and VB.NET components. In the meantime, I thought you could try and test the modules and provide suggestions. It comes with some goodies useful along with SYNTACTIC tools, such as Spectral Graph Drawing and Matrix Plots. Simple connectors are also provided for SYNTACTIC and SpiderWeb. This new toolkit is in some ways fundamentally different from the version you have been using so far. For more info please check my dissertation:

    if you don't have the time to read this, check this one out:

    If you want to try this version you need to install two libraries in your Grasshopper/Special Folders/Components Folder

    * Math.NET (MathNet.Numerics.dll):

    * Configraphics_CS.dll (the library to be completed by me)

    Please note that because this package uses Math.NET their licencing terms apply as well as those of mine. Please read the Read-Me panel in the file.

    If you want to write a C#/VB snippet to do something in connection to this package we'd be happy to help you with that (as much as the schedules and other things allow us) and eventually involve you as a developer in the next versions. 

    Our vision for the next versions is to connect/integrate this package with SYNTACTIC and SpiderWeb. 

    I will replace some of the groups with better/newer modules in the coming days. Stay tuned.


    NOTE: This file is a Work-in-Progress and likely to contain bugs and errors. Use at your own risk. In no circumstances the authors (mentioned in the CC licence above) can be held responsible for any kind of damage (hardware, software or other kinds of property) caused by using these packages. The package does not come with any sort of guarantee. 

  • Pirouz Nourian

    forgot to share an example map: 


  • Pirouz Nourian

    Hi all, is it working?