PanelingTools GH Add-On

Parametric tools to create and manipulate rectangular grids, attractors and support creative morphing of parametric patterns.

This is a BETA version and works only with the latest Rhino 5.0 BETA on Windows 32 & 64 Bit.

  • oldstory

    excellent work! waiting panel3d.

  • Andrew Tirta

    Hi Rajaa, the RHI file seems to only work in 64 bit.

  • Rajaa Issa

    Hi Andrew,
    I noticed that.  We will be working on the rhi installer and hopefully get it fixed soon.  Thanks. 

  • ehsan heidari

    hi . i downloaded it but i cant setup in grasshopper !!! please help me! as a matter of fact when it downloadet , i have only some rhp file not setup file

    any way thank u for p.t


  • Rajaa Issa

    Hi ehsan,

    Are you using Rhino 4.0 or Rhino 5.0 Beta?

  • Michele Calvano

    Hi Rajaa, I download last version of PT but tools in curve doesn't work, could you help me?

  • Rajaa Issa

    Hi Michele,

    Please make sure you have the latest:

    - Rhino 5.0 Beta

    - PanelingTools.rhi installer (double click to install)

    - PTComponentLibrary

    Once you do, open new session of Rhino and Grasshopper and it should work.  Let me know how it goes.


  • Rajaa Issa

    Hi Se Hoon Jang,
    Can you post the error message?


    could you help me?

  • Giulio Piacentino

    Hi Se Hoon

    I think Rajaa meant to go above the "red baloon" icon () and take a screenshot of the error that appears in there. You can use the Print key for that. Then paste the image to Paint and save as Jpg. Thanks,

    - Giulio


    1. Solution exception:메서드를 찾을 수 없습니다. 'Boolean PanelingTools.Utility.PanelGrid(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[]>, Int32, Rhino.Geometry.Surface, Rhino.Geometry.Curve[] ByRef)'


  • Michele Calvano

    I don't know why it doesn't work. I have got last version of rhino 5. Someone could help me?

  • Rajaa Issa

    Hi there,

    Once you get the latest Rhino 5.0, you need to download 2 files:

    - PanelingTools plugin for Rhino 5.0 Installer (

    - PT-GH (PlanelingTools plugin for Grasshopper), unzip and save to %appdata%\Grasshopper\Libraries file on your computer.

    Did you do these steps?

  • Zayad Motlib

    Hi Rajaa;

    I am having a problem with the ptPointAtts and ptCrvAtts components. They do not seem to work. I even tried the Wall tutorial, following the exact steps, but the ptPointAtts does not seem to work. Any idea?
