
SkinDesigner is a Grasshopper plugin that enables the rapid generation of facade geometries from building massing surfaces and repeating, user-defined panels. 

To install:

1-Make sure you have Rhino 5 and Grasshopper installed, or Rhino 6.
2-Install GHPython from here (Rhino 5 only).
3-Select and drag all the userObjects (downloaded here) onto your Grasshopper canvas.
4-Restart Rhino Grasshopper.

Check out our example files  to get yourself familiar with typical SkinDesigner workflows. Also SkinDesigner Tutorials will be posted in this YouTube playlist as they become available. 

You should also feel free to post any questions, feature requests, or bug reports to the SkinDesigner Grasshopper Group  as discussions. Finally, SkinDesigner is an open source project and all of the project’s source code is visible on SkinDesigner’s Github site as well as within the Grasshopper components (by double-clicking on them). 

Changing Default Placement Location of the Panels

Hi Santiago,

Skindesigner is an amazing tool and I am using it for multiple purposes. However, I am stuck with a small issue (or at least I assume it is small for you as I am not good at programming). I would like to change the default positioning of SkinDesigner panels to the top left (originally it is the bottom left).

Could you please guide me how I can solve this? It would be a huge help for me.

Thank you so much :)

File is attached (units are in mm)