
Crystallon is an open source project for creating lattice structures using Rhino and Grasshopper3D. The goal is to generate lattice structures within Rhino’s design environment without exporting to 3rd party software, with the advantage of modularity and the ability to combine other powerful tools available for Grasshopper3D. Each tool is left as a cluster which can be opened and modified at will, in the spirit of open source. We hope the community will continue to develop and contribute through the use of the Grasshopper forums and Github. 

Crystallon 2 tutorials


I've just downloaded Crystallon 2, installed, and looking at examples files.

Also read the 75 document over the weekend.

Are there any tutorials at all?

There is no explanation that I can find which explains the basic work flow.

I'm guessing that the workflow is: Voxelize, Populate, Modify, Thicken, etc.

Although there are example file for each of these, I think it would be helpful to have one or two examples showing an application of Crystallon from start to finish.

Thank you,

Dana Church

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    dana church

    Hi Tim,
    Are you pretty experienced with Crystallon?
    Is it possible to vary the density and thickness of a lattice structure using Attractor(s)?
    Thank you
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      Tim Downing

      No, I'm a rookie. Haven't done that yet. 

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        Tim Downing

        But it is 100% doable.