
Quokka is a software tool for connecting Microsoft Kinect with Grasshopper in Rhino.  Quokka gives the ability to use the Kinect as a 3D scanner. This will help architects, designers, engineers, students and anyone who is interested in working in Rhino to parametrically manipulate physical data.

Quokka extract a colored mesh

Hi all,

I recently download the quokka plugin for grasshopper. Looks amazing the potential that can have, everything seem to work perfectly fine but i have a question, wich make the use of the component extremely useful. (1)

I download the example file to start understanding the logic of it, but i already bump into a little problem, how can I extrapolate the point data and the colour data to use it as colored mesh? 

I was trying with sorting the points and use the delaunay mesh, but seems is not working. (2)

Hope i can have some help on this topic, to improve the conversation about this great plugin that still don't have too much discussion online. 

Thankyou all for your attention

Luigi Olivieri