Bifocals -- Ending the Icons vs. Text debate

NBBJ Digital Practice is happy to release Bifocals, a plugin that labels all of your Grasshopper components with their full names as you drop them on the canvas.

Great for teaching university courses, seminars, making video tutorials, or posting images to the forums!  No matter what mode you are in -- icons or text -- everyone can follow along.

Written by Marc Syp, Digital Practice and Design Computation Leader at NBBJ.

Download at Food4Rhino:

Watch the walkthrough at Vimeo:


Animated GIF

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    Great idea, very nice!

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      Great work!!! To bad tomorrow is the last day of my GH workshop... XD 

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        Carl Royce

        I'd love to be able to use Bifocals in Rhino/Gh for Mac. Is there a way to install on Mac with or without the Bifocals.exe file?

        Thank you
