C# trimmed surfaces becomes untrimmed

Hi All,

I'm doing a C# script to sort similar surfaces on a geodesic dome.

The input surfaces are - in the script - placed in a list that i declare like this:
List<Surface> out2 = new List<Surface>();

However, when they are outputted, they are untrimmed...

Is there another type to use for trimmed surfaces?!

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    Giulio Piacentino

    Hi Jes,

    use List<Brep>. RhinoCommon Surfaces are full surfaces in reality.
    Breps should be able to contain the information that you need.

    Hope it helps,

    - Giulio
    McNeel Europe, Barcelona
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      Oliver Sjöberg

      Hello Jes.

      I'm actually trying achieve what your problem caused. But my skills in C++ are quite poor so I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing you code or helping me a bit? What i'm seeking is a module which takes the trimmed surfaces and remaps them to untrimmed.



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      michael sprinzl

      hi jes, so the best is to use the brep input and use the faces like you are using surfaces


      List<Brep> my_breps = new List<Brep>();
      my_breps[the index of the list].Faces[always zero if it is a single surface]......... do what ever you want to do
       A = my_breps[0].Faces[0].DuplicateFace(true);


      by using the brep objects you can do more freaky things with it for example if you join the surfaces you can find out the relationships of the surfaces