Scan&Solve: new plug-in for Rhino makes stress analysis easy -- Now With Gravity!

In case you missed the original announcement, Scan&Solve™ for Rhino is a new plugin from Intact Solutions that completely automates basic structural testing of Rhino solids. No simplification, healing, translating, or
meshing is needed.
See these videos for a quick demonstration of Scan&Solve in action:

The latest beta version of Scan&Solve™ for Rhino is available at This version adds a significant new feature- GRAVITY. Simply choose the material for your shape, select restraints, and check the Gravity checkbox. Click the [Go] button to see the performance of your shape under it's own weight:

(click for larger versions)

This version also incorporates several improvements in reliability and user interaction. Localization issues are now handled better without warnings about missing dlls. The user interface has been updated to allow user input only when Scan&Solve is capable of responding. The documentation is now easier to find through a shortcut in Windows' Start Menu. We've also added documentation on manually modifying the material database.

For more information or to participate in the free beta-testing of this plugin, please join the Scan-and-Solve for Rhino network at

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  • Massimiliano Trave

    hi to all. I'm an architect very interested in the use of FEM software (although I'm no expert) and use  rhino and grasshopper, so for me it would be perfect scan e solve .I was wondering if it is possible to carry out stress analysis of organic forms in reinforced concrete.if this is possible ,how can i do that and there are some examples or documentation about scan and solve for this case?
  • Rasmus Holst

    Hi Vadim.

    I know that this is an old post, but I'll give it a go :).

    I have been using/trying out your software a couple of times and I have to admit that it has real great potential in engineering. I just think it is such a shame that it is not actually developed for Grasshopper as well.

    That would make it extra strong and surely I would recommed my company to try and invest in this.

    I hope that you will have a think about this. Maybe there could be some collaboration between yourself and some of the very skilled Grasshopper developers.

    Just a thought :)

    Take care.


  • Vadim Shapiro

    Hi Rasmus.  Support Grasshopper is on our "to do" list,  but it is simply a matter of allocating resources.   We are stretched,  working hard to extend Scan&Solve's capabilities, e.g. next release will handle composite structures made from different materials.   If you know of somebody who is interested enough to see Scan&Solve in Grasshopper to help,   please let us know.   Best,   
