I found some Euclidean eggs...

Triggered by Sergey Kuznetsov's very cool image from last year I decided to make an Egg (VB scriptable) component - obviously just for fun.

It can draw each of the seven Euclidean eggs as described by Robert Dixon.
The information I based it on I found on Takaya Iwamoto's website:

For neatness sake I incorporated a piece of Aidan Kurtz's InputTools class from his Intralattice plugin, so the 'egg type' parameter (T) will have an automatically populated value list attached:

Coming to (diagonally) revisit the component this week (I actually wrote it 11 months ago) I remembered it was mainly the result of my predilection for the PolyArc component. It seemed appropriate for the shapes in this exersize.

If you drag and drop the Egg.ghuser onto the grasshopper canvas, it will appear in the "Extra" tab.

Maybe someone thinks of an actual use for this ;)
Happy Easter~
A Sqrt327 egg populated with 350 Cundy & Rollett eggs

P  = base plane
S  = size
WH = size (in input 'S' is the eggs' width(False/0) or its height(True/1)
T  = egg type

Egg = the egg surface
HW  = if you defined the egg by height: HW returns the width, If you defined the egg by width, HW return the height.
PC  = profile (the curve that gets revolved)
C   = Circle around the egg at its 'widest point'