
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Nathan.

Tks for sharing your awesome work.

I have been having lots of fun with your twitter component.

I have been trying to use some of the more advanced search paremeters, and I am running into some problems. I could be wrong, but I am guessing it is a parsing issue... ?

I was able to filter by geo location by inputting:

airport &geocode:38.863236,-76.994934,10km

(the ":" gets parsed as a code, but it seems to work ok, using "=" instead of ":" returns null)

(parse query=    q=airport&geocode%3A38....   )

But when I try to use something like this:


the "=" gets parsed as "%3D", and result is null...

I also tried some of the examples listed on twitter's api page, (, also null.


Is there a way around this?

Have you been able to use more complex search query parameters?

Is the geolocation/place of the tweet returned? Could it be parsed and outputted by component?



Views: 587


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I apologize for my lack of response.  I actually didn't see your post come through.  Unfortunately, I don't have much insight to your problem as I have not tested the twitter node on anything other than simple queries through the search API.  I am glad to see someone pushing the boundaries of the node (which was initially developed more as a novelty!).  You bring up some interesting opportunities so I will dig a little deeper to see if I can get to an answer for you.

For the next release I can look into a putting in a geo location output.  I have a laundry list of stuff I have to get done for my day job, so I can't promise it'll be soon.

Stay tuned...


Tks Nathan.

I am looking forward to seeing future developments.


Hi Nathan,

Also interested in this (geocode output) feature, would be very useful for some of my projects where we are trying to spatialize data in architecture.



Hi Nathan, 

Like Alexander I am also interested in the progress of Geo location output in the twitter component. It would be very helpful in developing a project I am working on. Also is there another way I can go about to grab this information through MySQL ? 

Thank You






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