
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have received some complaints about the user objects of Peacock are not displayed in the panel, although it seems that Grasshopper load.

I have communicated to David Rutten of this serious problem, but the cause is unknown, although it seems that due to the icons. I would appreciate to publish here his impressions about it.

These components are made with Grasshopper 0.9.76 and Rhino 5 64 bits.

If the same thing has happened to you, excuse me for the problem, we will try to find a solution.

Any new information is welcome.

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Yeah, we need to get to the bottom of this. I can repeat the problem on my machine, so I think I can probably find the problem.

Here's the problem. The exposure of the user objects (except for the TimeKeeper) is set to 'XXXX or Dropdown'. This means that unless the 'Obscure Components' option is checked in the Grasshopper View Menu they will not appear on the tabs, only on the dropdown panels. If a panel doesn't have any components in it, it will not look correct (that's a bug on my end), however you should not create empty panels to begin with.

When you create these user-objects, make sure at least one object per panel is not limited to dropdown:

¡Qué grande! How good that is not a serious problem :)

For those who have this probem with Peacock 0.66:
View > Obscure components <---- activate it!

I'll redo the UOs with Limit to the dropdown disabled for the next release.

A million of thanks David :)





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