
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Pachyderm Acoustic

Pachyderm is a plugin largely used by Designers and Scientists alike to simulate acoustics in buildings, rooms, cities, and other settings.

Location: Earth
Members: 188
Latest Activity: on Wednesday

Hello Pachyderm Users,
We are going through an exciting period, including the startup of an organization to support the growth of Pachyderm, and extend the educational agenda of the project. In the next few weeks, we will be submitting our long-form 501(c)3 application, which will give us the rights of a not-for-profit organization established in the state of Connecticut. As part of the transition, we are phasing out the old website. The new site will be up in the next few weeks, and you can find it at:
We are looking forward to the next phase of this project, and we hope that you will be there with us to learn and continue to support us!
kind regards,
Arthur van der Harten
Executive Director
Open Research in Acoustical Science and Education

Discussion Forum

Software capabilities 3 Replies

Hi!This is very interesting, but I have some questions about the applicability / limitations of your software. What it can and what it can not do. I am an architect, used to formfinding but am not…Continue

Started by Ludvig Haav. Last reply by Hison on Wednesday.

Actual reverberation time and error from Pachyderm simulation 14 Replies

Hi all,I'm currently working on calculating reverberation time using Pachyderm Acoustics.I have a reverberation chamber close to me, and I have an environment where I can check the actual…Continue

Started by FUYU. Last reply by FUYU Jun 25.

Pachyderm does not load 4 Replies

Hi, I loaded Pachyderm into Rino 7 and tried a simple model in a box and it immediately crashed Rhino. I cycled through that a few times with the same result. I off loaded Rhino 7 and re-loaded…Continue

Started by Kenneth W. Martin. Last reply by Arthur van der Harten May 28.

Mapping surfaces with Grasshopper 1 Reply

Hi Arthur, First of all, thanks for your previous answers,I was wondering if there was a way to calculate the Mapping Method and see the result directly in Grasshopper? I thought that there was maybe…Continue

Started by Sandrine Heroux. Last reply by Avraham Cohen May 27.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Arthur van der Harten on August 5, 2018 at 5:10pm

I figured out what is wrong. One of the components seems to be initializing with a width of zero, which results in exception. This only happens on some computers, and the reason is still mysterious.

I have changed the code so that this is no longer an issue. I will try and release it later this week, along with fixes for some of the other issues that have been brought up recently.

Thanks for reporting!


Comment by Alex Cligman on August 5, 2018 at 9:33am

Hi Arthur,

For for further info, I removed all other Rhino components yet still faced the same problem after testing on two machines:

Bootcamped iMac running windows 10 and a machine running windows 8, experienced same problem with both. Let me know if you would like me to test any further configurations to help de-bug!

Best regards,



Comment by Arthur van der Harten on August 3, 2018 at 7:40am

Some semi good news - I finally have access to a computer which manifests the problem with the Mapping Interface. (Remember that it doesn't happen on my development machines).

I will try and work it out within the next week or so.


Comment by Arthur van der Harten on July 20, 2018 at 7:41am

Hi Alex,

I have witnessed that one with one other user, but I have not been able to reproduce it on my machine... ergo, I have no idea what causes it.

Answer me this - could you please provide a list of which plugins you have installed in Rhino? I wonder if it is a GUID conflict...


Comment by Alex Cligman on July 19, 2018 at 1:02pm

I have a similar issue with the mapping function running Rhino 5 on Windows 10, the pachyder_mapping command does nothing when it is executed and when you try to open it up in a Rhino tab it just crashes. Does anyone have any insights or remdies of this problem?

Many thanks,


Comment by Arthur van der Harten on June 26, 2018 at 11:41am


It isn't clear to me what is causing the issue, but Rhino has always had trouble on Mac with Parallels. Since I am unable to reproduce the issue of the mapping tab crashing rhino, I can't really comment on it.


Comment by Sandrine Heroux on June 26, 2018 at 11:01am


I see that Zaqi Fathis and Rowan Browan have the same issue as me. Every time I open the Pachyderm Mapping Method tab, Rhino 5 crashes instantly, even though the file was empty. All the other tabs open without any problem. I'm on windows 10 on Parallels with a Mac. 

Did anyone find out what causes the bug and how to fix it?

Comment by Alex Cligman on June 17, 2018 at 4:48am

Hi Arthur,

Is there any you'd be able to at an issue myself and others have encountered with the ITDG component? At present in all simualtions it outputs a value of '0.0' despite other components successfully computing their respective paramters,

Many thanks,

Comment by David Probst on June 13, 2018 at 7:11am


I know understood that it is actually the hole pitch that defines the distances beetween the individual holes, I could calculate that from the percentage of the holes and therefore that works for me now. Sorry for my misunderstanding and thank you so much for your help!

Besides that, I would still love to hear your opinion on the calculations, if I can send you those privately.

All the best


Comment by David Probst on June 6, 2018 at 5:32am

Hi Arthur,

thanks for the answer, it helped me a lot to be more confident with my work. Also, please don't feel pushed by my questions, I really appreciate all the help you have given me already.

The only thing I don't understand comletely yet is your answer regarding the absorption-coefficient. I do understand the part about why the absorption designer is the right choice and whether or not the surface-structure would matter, but I am still struggling with the impact of the distances beetween each individual hole to the next hole.

I think I had phrased my question a little bit ambigious in the last post. Actually, the whole plate is perforated, but I am talking about the "frequency" of holes along the plate. By that I mean a 1m² plate could have 1000 or 100 or only 5 holes.  I know for example that 1.4 percent of the plate are holes and the rest is massive. With which setting could I compensate for this frequency of holes? Or is there a fundamental flaw in my thought process?

I would love to send you the model and hear your opinion about it, but would prefer to keep that private, since it is not my own creation and I am just testing around with it. Can you accept my friend request here, so I can send you a private message?

Thank you in advance!


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