
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I have been having this issue reported on github here

Should I assume that this has not been resolved yet?

If that is the case, is it possible to download an earlier version of OpenStudio dlls?

Kind regards,


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Edit: I should note that I am using the openstudio_CSharp_64bits_Ver.1.4.0 file (not the 1.5.0).

Also downloaded the latest OpenStudio version and then copy/pasted the CSharp openstudio folder to Ladybug folder. Still getting the same error. The way I understand it there is an old version that won't have this problem. I would love it if you could tell me which and if I can follow the same process (i.e. installing Openstudio and copy/pasting) to downgrade to.


Bump. Any updates on this?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,



You cite a page related to (what I think is) the longest-running github issue that we have:

As you can see, Mostapha and Dan Macumber of the OS team have been at this issue for a long time and it is unfortunately hindering further development of the OpenStudio connection.  It seems to just affect certain systems (laptops more than desktops for some reason).  I didn't get a working version at any point on my old laptop (no matter what the version of OpenStudio that I tried) but my new laptop is able to handle it for some reason.

Hopefully we all gear up for another go at fixing this soon.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for your answer. I understand from the long discussion that it has been a difficult issue. I was wondering though, since my laptop was working before I updated to the latest Openstudio, would there be a solution to this using earlier version dll files? And do you maybe know of a link for them? Tried looking but didn't manage (Mostapha's link is already updated).

Here's to hoping this get's resolved!


Kind regards,


Hi Theodore,

Unfortunately still the only solution to this issue, right now, is using the old version of OpenStudio. We couldn't figure out what's going on with this!



I did not realize that the components still work with older versions of OpenStudio.  I know that these older versions are not ideal but using them would at least allow me to continue developing with the OS SDK for the time being until we get the PINVOKE thing fixed.  I am guessing that one of the versions on this page might still work:

Do you know how far back in the releases we have to go to not have the PINVOKE error?


Hi Chris, I think the version is 1.4.0. You won't be able to find it in the release. You will need the 64bits compiled version which was not part of the official release at that time. Axel was making it every time just for us! I should still have a copy of the old version somewhere.


It would be great if I could get the exe from you at some point.  I noticed that they only have the source code for download on the OpenStudio github:


Hi Chris,

I assume the one that we have uploaded at box is 1.4.0 >

If that didn't work here is 1.3.5 >

I'm downloading 1.8.0 right now to see if that will make any difference.

Chris and Theodoros, I have a good news. I just tried version 1.8.0 and it worked with no issues. Can you also try and see if it will work on your systems >


Sorry for being away in this lately. I have a few days off work, I will quickly try a small model tomorrow morning (as it's quite late here) and come back to you tomorrow!

Sounds like amazing news though!

As an additional question, are the components still being developed? I remember not all the ASHRAE templates were working. 

Kind regards,







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