
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Solution exception:An exception occurred during a WebClient request

Hi Brian,

First of all, congrats to this great tool. Looks very promising.

Would you be able to help on the following error:

"Solution exception:An exception occurred during a WebClient request" in the RestRaster component. The dll libraries are unblocked, internet is working etc. Did I miss anything?

Help would be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks,

Views: 2812


Replies to This Discussion

Try and reduce the Resolution. Start at 128 and work up.

Thanks, Danny. But this doesn't work either.

Hi Ralf,

What is your Earth Anchor Point set to?  Does the ESRI World Imagery source work?


Hi Brian,

Thanks for your help.

The Earth Anchor Point is set to "Space Neddle, Seattle" - as in your example. And it doesn't look like ESRI World Imagery is working, nor do unfortunately any of the other options work.



Do you have a folder called "c:\temp\" on your machine? If not, you will either need to create one or set a different folder for the imagery to be downloaded to. Currently the error reporting for this component is lacking, so apologies for any confusion.

Ouch...that's the one. Could have hit on it myself. Thought that the folder will be created automatically if it doesn't exist.

Well, many thanks Brian for your time. Much appreciated.

And again, thanks for sharing your great tool!!!

Hi Ralf,

I have been having the same problems..

The dll libraries are unblocked and the internet is working fine.. 

When I go create/place the folder named "c:\temp\" in the Stream destination folder it wont let me create it with ": \  \" in the name

How did you manage to get around this?

Also am not sure why the RESTRester & RESTVector are showing a fault as seen below.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, Best Kenny (London)

dont set c:/temp as the destination; make sure a "temp" folder exists on your C:/ drive.

Kenneth, further to Andrews comment (which is what I did as well), could you also check if the 'input boundary' is also linked with Rhino. On your screenshot it looks like the component is orange...

Let me know if it works.

Hi Ralf, 

Yes I do realise it is not connected.. It was when Andrew suggested the temp folder it worked! 

I do have one more question though.. (So sorry for taking up your time!!!)

Did you have a problem connecting your importSHP files into GH.. I download and unblocked all SHP.s into the special folder/components file.. 

Is that right? 

Thank you so much for your help.. its soooo sooo appreciated :) k

Use the 'File Path' component and link it to your shape files (don't put them in the Grasshopper folder, keep them somewhere separate) then wire it up with the shpLocation-input.

Hi Ralf, 

Attached are the files Rhino & GH, 

Thank you so much for taking time out for this! 







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