
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

if you have any ideas/problems or questions just let us know ;)

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Hi Milo,

Ecotect is a 32bit, non multithreading software. So you can not benefit of a multicore system. They only difference yet is a faster processor. They timeout of 5 minutes is a programmed tool which offers the possibility to work on in grasshopper until he calculation is finished. Than you have to rewire the request component. We will add a toggle for that in the future.


the example files are corrupted? i download it over and over, i think it's corrupted?

hi to]

I downloaded your example files to learn this process, but one thing I cant understand that, panel component in your example files show string value, but when I drag a panel component from the menu it shows text value. You can see that when you hover your mouse on a panel component in your example files 

help please 




I really don't get your problem?

Do you mean doubleclick left mouse on the panel and enter e.g. 4 ?

Data Travels from Left to Right in Grasshopper.

The 4 is contained in the Text Panel and then transferred to the Input of the Component. Not the other way around.

Also "Text" is the new way in GH for saying "String" so that people from a non programming background take to it more intuitively.  

Re-reading... I'm just as much at a loss as to what the question is as to]

ps: this is ur example file, when i added a panel component (which u can see in yellow color) it gives error. but urs ( which is in white color) does not show error, can u explain y this is happening????

if you enter a number make sure you do not hit enter in your panel.

This will cause GH to trigger it as text and not as integer (data conversation fails)

so i bet you have 2 lines in your panel not one

to visualize this you can deactivate multiline data(right click on panel)

than you would see two indices in the panel.

Dear Kartik,

This are working examples for beginners. If you encounter further problems or you struggle with simple grasshopper problems i recommend you to follow the geco webinar available at

can u check it once!


This file works properly, as i mentioned before you have a second line through hitting enter during entering the number 4 in your panel.

After changing values you have to toggle the export again.

Also, whenever you save a geco file, deactivate the connection so that ecotect does not start when you open the definition.

hey thanks it works actually! you were right! unknowingly I was hitting enter.. 

Thank you soo much!





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