
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello there,

I like to set a material ton an specific object in the scence. A simple surface conveted to a mesh. Can any one explain me what is the right process.

I'm just starting eith GEco, really nice plug-in BTW.

Thank you all

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please refer the manual at page 6

you can find it in start/gecoGH

if you need anything else let me know



thank you for your answer, but I guess my query wasn't clear enough.  I need to understand in which order do I need to input the material component. Should it be connected to the export mesh component or after this one. I think the simplest question should be : How can I tell Ecotect what is the material of the Geo being exportedé (i.e.: calculate the insolation falling in to a room through a lowE glass pane).

Thank you

Hi Thomas,

I am really sorry, this is quite an old thread, I can't find the manual anywhere. The Gha files and DLL are in the components library but couldn't find a GecoGH folder in the start menu as it is not an msi file anymore. Is there a link to the manual?

Many thanks,


Hi arthur,

hope you are well. Sorry i missed that discussion entry.

you can find a old manual @

 I will update it soon for the newet release.







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