
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

would be great to create contextual value lists or share them... What do you think?

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yes definitely. Also I wish you could create a value list of strings, where you would just enter a list of string values, rather than "Floor A = 'Floor A'", "Floor B = 'Floor B'" etc.


Not sure what is meant by 'contextual value lists'. Do you want to just import values from a textfile? Do you want to dynamically associate a valuelist with a textfile? What sort of formatting would this textfile have?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

maybe the easiest would just be a value list that takes any GH list as input - values could come from wherever. Maybe two versions - one just taking a single list, one taking two parallel lists for string and value? Difficulty I guess is how to handle when the input values change and the currently selected item is no longer in the list. Also what to do when data trees come in...

Yes that's it, dynamically associate...
The format would be the same as vl constants (what else?)
If you can stream the VL constants to a txt file from gh...
If bool then stream
else stream

I think when the base file changes you just go to the first line. Just as context menus usually do.

I don't really get you answer David, you say "done" and then you ask the questions?

I did Andy's request of being able to enter just names without specifically adding the string values.

The format would be the same as vl constants (what else?)

Well I assumed you weren't going to type the textfile yourself, otherwise you might as well type it directly into the VL. I thought maybe you were exporting comma-separated-values from excel or something that you wanted to import into VL.

I'll need to think a bit more about the implications of associating text files with value lists.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Here's my thought - don't build a value list that itself links to an external file - just one that can accept input values in GH. Then the standard readfile component can handle dealing with the external file, and it also has the flexibility of being populated with content from other dynamically generated sources within GH.

Was this discussion ever picked up somewhere else?





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