
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David


Is it possible to give the Number component the same slider connection method the Genome parameter of Galapagos has?  See attached image.



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Hi Tuan,


nope. Galapagos requires that a gene has minimum and maximum values, it really won't work without that constraint. This is why Sliders are at present the only possible gene-targets. I'm planning on adding a special number parameter defined in Galapagos that would allow you to quickly set up a collection of gene values, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David


Perhaps the screen print isn't clear.  I wasn't talking about using Numbers (w/o max or min) as genes.  I was suggesting when one right-clicks on the input side of the Number component, the menu will have an option to "Link Selected Sliders". 


<shame>Oh I see. Your initial post in fact was clear, I just didn't read it well enough.</shame>


It would be fairly trivial to do this, but is this functionality really missing? Wouldn't it make more sense to just allow you to connect every parameter type input with all selected parameters/sliders?


It would be a bit odd if you select components, but maybe I can add some smarts that figures out which outputs make sense...




David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I thought about the "oddness" you mentioned.  That was why I only wished for sliders since I am thinking of ways to streamline the creation genes to use with Galapagos.  However, connecting to any/all parameters would also be useful.


Regardless, I'm glad to here it's "trivial" addition.  Hope to see it in the next release, soon. :)





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