
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Windows 7 Rhino + Grasshopper on Macbook Pro Retina - Who's on the case??

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone has been using the new Macbook Pro Retina with Windows 7 and Rhino 5 with Grasshopper and if they have encountered any issues or amazements?

Has anyone tried this out yet? How is it working for you?

Any input much appreciated! 

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it's awesome.

I'm using it and as long as your not an old farsighted geezer like me it should be OK with one exception.  The icons on the ribbon don't display correctly.  While you can enlarge the text in the ribbon interface, you can't enlarge the icons.  As a result, the formatting gets mixed up and winds up cutting off the text.  It's pretty frustrating.  Also, I like to use a separate monitor for grasshopper and having two monitors at drastically different resolutions becomes an issue.  If you double the size of the text on the Mac display, the text is way too big on the external display.  If you use the 1X size text, it is very small on the Mac display.  I would be very interested to see if others have found adjustments to mitigate these problems





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