
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys.

I'm new here and just started learning grasshopper so it's confusing for me. I found a definition on the internet and it has a component that I can't find it in my grasshopper.

It's exp component and I typed exp and tried several components but it's different with the one in the picture. Expression was the closest one but it has a x y factors and it's not right I guess

Can you help me with this?

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Yeah I think it's changed but I searched for some other components that were used in this definition and I could find them on the internet but there was nothing for this one.



i think it's perform boolean negation "gate not" component, i've been try to make this but with another system....


Hi there

Can I ask what is that "exp" component above "not" ? I'm trying to find that

it's has been changed from "gate not"... just try "gate not" component to complete that tutorial definition.






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